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White Paper

Rotary Valve Selection for Pneumatic Conveying Systems

Written by Gerchow, F.J. edited by mhd on 12. Jan. 1981
Selecting a rotary valve for use in a pneumatic conveying system is somewhat of a fine art. If undertaken properly the end result will be a total system with a long-range operating performance and high efficiency. In choosing the correct rotary valve for a particular system, the designer must consider such factors as valve size style application, and cost.This paper offers guidelines and rules to greatly simplify the engineers task.


Rotary valves frequently are called the heart of a pneumatic conveying system. Rightly so, for a system will not function unless the rotary valves in it perform properly.

Correct valve selection based primarily on size, style and intended use, and cost is therefore of considerable importance.
Rotary valves may function as feeders operating under a head of material and serving as the metering device, or they can be purely air locks, functioning as air seals only Often these functions are combined when the valve meters the product into a pneumatic conveying system...

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