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White Paper

Level Controls in Solids Handling

Written by Dew, D.J. edited by mhd on 9. Oct. 2023
The Bin-Dex system, continuous indication and level control equipment, a relatively new concept, is introduced. The basic philosophy leading to the original design is highlighted and actual operational constraints and equipment performance indicated.

The use of level sensing devices in bulk solids storage and handling complexes ranges from simple indication of levels to the control of material movements by conveyors and other bulk transfer systems. Today these functions are increasingly complex and require level controls that are technically advanced and suitable for use in data processing and computerized automatic transfer complexes.

Level controls meet automation needs by providing a signal which can be utilized to start and stop bulk transfer systems. In this way predetermined quantities can be shifted from point to point, stocks of material can be maintained between limits, bins can be protected against emptying or overfilling, and the quantities of material in transit can be tightly controlled.

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