This circular bodied pulse jet filter features a convenient and efficient top hinged dome. With top entry there is no need to enter the dirty portion of the filter. Top removal snap band filter bags require no tools for removal and can quickly be changed out.

Schenck Process offers HRT filter in two styles. Without the hopper (Style II) the filter is ideally suited as a bin vent filter for storage tanks, work bins and surge hoppers. With a 60° hopper (Style III) the filter receives dust through the hopper inlet and discharges the collected dust through an airlock for dust disposal or recycling. When fitted with a pneumatic receiver, the Schenck Process HRT filter becomes an excellent product receiver. Product enters the filter and is discharged from the bottom through an airlock. Centrifugal force separates the product from the airstream and gently discharges it.The HRT 3-A Filter is also packaged with a number of features that are critical in sanitary processing environments.They include the following:
- Interior and exterior finishes meet 3-A requirements
- Ferrules mounted for use with clean-in-place (CIP) skid and with clean-out-of-place (COP) filter media and purge pipes
- Diaphragm bodies are all stainless steel as opposed to others on the market that use aluminum
- Bag cages: 304 stainless steel
- Bags: 16 oz. singed polyester, top removal (meets 3-A requirements)
- Spring assisted hinge for clean air plenum access
The Hygienic Round Top Removal (HRT) 3-A Filter will be manufactured in the new Schenck Process Whitewater, Wisconsin dedicated stainless steel production plant. ■