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Munson Machinery: Stand-Alone Lump Breaker

Edited by mhd on 10. Jul. 2019
Utica (NY), United StatesMunson Machinery has introduced a new De-Clumper Lump Breaker model
The Munson stand-alone De-Clumper Lump Breaker model RDC-1530-SS can be fed from a variety of upstream sources including handheld containers, and can straddle downstream equipment, drums, boxes or mobile bins.

The unit de-lumps bulk materials that have agglomerated or solidified during storage or shipment, returning products to their original particle sizes and flowability.Material entering the 380 by 760 mm infeed throat via the hopper is reduced in size by dual rotors with three-point, single-piece, stainless steel breaking heads rotating with minimum clearance inside a curved, perforated bedscreen. On-size material exits through apertures in twin bedscreens ranging from 25 to 64 mm in diameter. Powered by a 3.7 kW motor with self-lubricating chain and sprocket drive, the synchronised shafts rotate at approximately 120 rpm to avoid heating the product. The bedscreen can be removed rapidly for cleaning or replacement.

Dual rotors with three-point, single-piece, abrasion-resistant breaking heads rotate with minimum clearance inside a curved, perforated bedscreen with apertures from 25 to 64 mm in diameter.

According to the manufacturer, the rugged design withstands heavy use and is easy to maintain; bearings can be lubricated through external fittings and are isolated from the product processing area with UHMW air purge block seals.Constructed of #304 or #316 stainless steel, the unit is available with castors for in-plant mobility, and can be finished to food, pharmaceutical or industrial standards.  It is also offered in abrasion-resistant stainless steel to withstand demanding industrial applications. Also offered are high capacity models with up to four rotors, up to 30 kW and inlets to 1220 mm square.

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