Our calendar of short courses for Industry 2015 is out now.
Short Courses at the Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology are designed for Engineers, Managers, Skilled operatives, Maintenance crew, Equipment designers and manufacturers – anyone involved in the handling and processing of bulk powders and particulates.
•New, advanced courses are available this year, for those with an existing knowledge in solids handling;
•Practical sessions feature heavily in more courses this year, allowing delegates the opportunity to use equipment not normally available to them;
•Demonstrations of our unique equipment have also become more frequent due to popular demand;
If the dates of the courses are not suitable and you have several delegates wanting to attend, why not talk to us about holding your own In-Company course – where you chose the topics and dates?
Give us a call to see how we can help you……020 8331 8646
Or contact http://www2.gre.ac.uk/about/faculty/...pro/sc/bookingbooking
Wolfson Centre, U.K.: Calendar of Short Courses 2015
Wolfson Centre Short Courses in 2015
Improve your bulk materials handling knowledge:
Our calendar of short courses for Industry 2015 is out now.
Short Courses at the Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology are designed for Engineers, Managers, Skilled operatives, Maintenance crew, Equipment designers and manufacturers – anyone involved in the handling and processing of bulk powders and particulates.
•New, advanced courses are available this year, for those with an existing knowledge in solids handling;
•Practical sessions feature heavily in more courses this year, allowing delegates the opportunity to use equipment not normally available to them;
•Demonstrations of our unique equipment have also become more frequent due to popular demand;
If the dates of the courses are not suitable and you have several delegates wanting to attend, why not talk to us about holding your own In-Company course – where you chose the topics and dates?
Give us a call to see how we can help you……020 8331 8646
Or contact http://www2.gre.ac.uk/about/faculty/...pro/sc/bookingbooking
Course Calendar 2015
24 – 26 February: Pneumatic Conveying of Bulk Solids; includes optional practical session
10 - 12 March: Storage and Discharge of Powders and Bulk Solids (includes optional practical session)
25 March: Caking and Lump Formation in Powders and Bulk Solids (* new course)
21 April: Dust Explosions – how to Demonstrate DSEAR/ATEX Compliance
28 April: Powder and Dust Containment in the Process Industry
12 - 13 May: Advanced Course; Design of Equipment for Storing and Discharging Bulk Materials (* new course)
2 June : Undesired De-blending and Separation in Processes and Equipment
9 – 10 June: Advanced Course: Pneumatic Conveying System Design (* new course)
7 – 8 July: Measurement of the Properties and Bulk Behaviour of Particulate Materials
29 – 30 September: Biomass Handling, Feeding and Storage
13 - 15 October: Overview of Particulate Handling Technology (includes optional practical session)
17 - 19 November: Pneumatic Conveying of Bulk Solids (includes optional practical sessionI
Full details can be found at http://www2.gre.ac.uk/about/faculty/...ntre/coupro/scsc
More information on the Wolfson Centre1744 wolfson centre for bulk solids handling technology.htm
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