Vertical Sandwich Belt Conveyors

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 17. Dec. 2003 - 22:46

Dear Dr. Wohlbier,

At this time we are looking forward to an exciting year 2004 with some

interesting new application for our vertical sandwich belt conveyors.

I am attaching an outline sketch (SDK-30-4003-3) of our solution for a

customer, who required two discharge elevations without any internal

transfer for the product to go to the top elevation. His product, a friable powder, would degrade in a bucket elevator and during transfer between two bucket elevators.

Another project, a deep underground mine will require a vertical lift of

more than 1,100 m and a third needs to elevate Sulphur by about 3 0m, a simple task for our stainless steel EleVeyor system.

We plan to keep you informed about such infrequent special solutions.

Again, All the Best to You and Your Family!


Werner P. B. Plaut

Product Manager

EleVeyor(r) Mfg. Div., NFLLC


eleveyor_plaut_news (JPG)

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