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MultiTrain Single Weighing Section, coupled in-motion Rail Scale System for the USA

Edited by mhd on 26. Feb. 2019
Schenck Process announced it has achieved U.S. legal-for-trade status for its single weighing section, coupled in-motion rail scale system. LegalWeight is a ballast supported dynamic weighing system designed for the weighing of railcars while coupled in-motion up to 14 mph.

The certification process was completed in February 2018, and Schenck Process was issued the NTEP Certificate of Conformance 14-067A1. MultiTrain® LegalWeight is unique in the rail weighing industry with the fastest installation and lowest track out-of-service time, thus eliminating industry interruption and lost revenue. MultiTrain® LegalWeight offers an alternative for industries with limited track downtime for installation. The ballast supported design is a unique feature replacing the traditional concrete foundation with a ballast embedded legal-for-trade rail scale. LegalWeight installation is faster than other legal-for-trade rail scales on the market with less than 1-day of track downtime compared to conventional installation times of over 30 days. Schenck Process say that it is the only manufacturer that can install single section, legal-for-trade, coupled in-motion rail scales in 1-day. The customer benefits through dramatically reduced track downtime for installation. MultiTrain® LegalWeight is ideal for the following industries that require legal-for-trade weights:

  • Aggregated and bulk solid materials
  • Scrap metal and steel
  • Waste Management
  • Wood products, lumber and paper
  • Agriculture
  • Petro-chemical

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