Sampling Of Cement- Representativ
I am sure that your sytems is working excelent, but i do not agree with you in your description.
The sampler will take 8 litres of sample.
This 8 litre represents the material in the the area under the filling opening- BUT NOT THE WHOLE LOAD.
Emagine, if the area in the tank, under the filling opning where filled with cement, and at the same time the area between the filling opening where filled with t. ex grain, you will never see any grain in your sample.
So your sampler is only a spot sampler, and do not take a representative sample of the entire load.
The only way to achieve that is a full cut of the material stream during the filling of the tank. ■
Sampling Of Cement- Representativ
Dear Sir,
you are absolutely right: The origin of the sample is where the sample was withdrawn. This is in most cases where you have access to the product eg. thru the manhole.
Of course the best way to take the sample is from the material stream during filling or unloading. But this is not always possible due to the conditions on site. Apart of this the commonly used inline-samplers tend to jam because of the fine powder. Sampling during unloading is not really a solution because of practical reasons.
Actually the sampling of cement is realized manually with a bucket and a scoop. Compared with this method the average sampling from top to bottom can result in an enormous amelioration of the sampling quality assumed the general rules for sampling are respected.
With kindest regards, ■
Sampling of Cement
Representative Sampling of Cement
At the latest since the beginning of this year a highly important topic in the cement industry: Chromate-reduced cement in accordance with the new EC guidelines. But how can the addition, dosage and homogeneous distribution of the reducing agents be verified? In co-operation with a Swiss cement manufacturer the company GMP Sampling has developed a new sampler design to allow easy, quick and representative sampling of light bulk such as cement from from road tankers. After the silo is loaded the sampler is simply introduced in the bulk to the desired depth, then retracted. The sample of 8 litres represents a cross-section from top to bottom.
For the Swiss cement manufacturer the application of the new sampling technique has many advantages: Apart from a better sample quality and an improved operation, the samples are now recognized as "official" samples by the supervising authorities.
Further information, please visit:
Zement in Silo-Fahrzeugen repräsentativ beproben
Spätestens seit Anfang des Jahres bei allen Zementherstellern ein wichtiges Thema: Chromatreduzierter Zement gemäß den geltenden EU-Richtlinien. Aber wie wird die Zugabe von Reduktionsmitteln, die korrekte Dosierung und homogene Verteilung überprüft? In Zusammenarbeit mit einem Schweizer Zementhersteller hat die Firma GMP Sampling aus Lörrach einen neuen Probenehmer zur repräsentativen Beprobung von leichten Schüttgüttern wie Zement entwickelt, der es erlaubt eine echte Querschnittsprobe aus Silofahrzeugen, LKW oder Silo-Waggons, zu entnehmen. Dazu wird der Probenehmer nach dem Beladen einfach durch das Mannloch des Silos in den Zement eingeführt und wieder entnommen. Die dadurch gewonnene, ca. 8 Liter große Probe stellt einen vertikalen Querschnitt der Ladung dar.
Für den schweizerischen Zementhersteller hat der Einsatz der neuen Probenahmetechik viele Vorteile: Neben einer besseren Probenqualität und eines besseren Ablaufs werden die so genommenen Proben jetzt von den Überwachungsbehörden als offiziellen Proben anerkannt.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf:
gmp_sampling_news_10.08.05 (GIF)