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Porotec becomes part of VERDER Scientific

Edited by mhd on 21. Aug. 2020
Haan, Germany
Left to right: Dr Jürgen Pankratz, CEO of the Verder Scientific Division and Microtrac MRB, Carsten Minkley and Dr Jürgen Adolphs, Managing Directors of Porotec. (Picture: VERDER Scientific)

With the acquisition of Porotec, Microtrac MRB enhances its expertise and market position in gas adsorption, porosimetry and density measurement, and strengthens its German team in the areas application, sales and service. Porotec contributes relevant technical know-how and in-depth knowledge of the market.Microtrac MRB was established in 2020 by uniting the companies Microtrac Inc., MicrotracBEL Corp. and RETSCH Technology GmbH and provides the world’s widest product offering for particle characterization. Microtrac MRB currently prepares the market launch of the BELPORE mercury porosimeter, a niche technology in which Porotec is also very experienced and has a large installed base.

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