The order will support KAZ Minerals in doubling the throughput of their Aktogay open pit copper mine from 75,000 tonnes per day to 150,000 tonnes per day. FLSmidth has previously delivered three complete copper concentrators to KAZ Minerals; one in Aktogay in 2015 and two in Bozshakol, also in Kazakhstan, in 2014."This new order highlights FLSmidth's strong partnership with KAZ Minerals after we successfully delivered the key technologies for their three other world-class copper concentrators in Kazakhstan. It also emphasises the value of our highly efficient equipment and services that maximise their return on investment, increase productivity and minimise environmental impact, from pit to plant" said Manfred Shaffer, Group Executive Vice President, Minerals Division.
- Total order size: more than USD 100 million
- Scope: new copper concentrator with the latest environmental control systems to mitigate environmental impact and technology for the highest levels of energy efficiency and maintainability and productivity
- Equipment: SAG and ball mills, gyratory crusher, pebble crusher, primary and regrind cyclones, flotation cells, scavenger cells and cleaner cells, dust collectors, overland conveyor, belt feeders, in-plant conveyors, lime slaking plant, screens, concentrate and tailings thickeners
- Plant capacity expansion: 75,000 tonnes per day
- Customer: KAZ Minerals
- Geography: Aktogay, Kazakhstan
- The order will be delivered by Q1 2020
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See also FLSmidth`s Pneumatic Transport Group: