We have very good experience in bulk material handling products like belt conveyors,roller conveyors, bucket elevators, screw conveyors, apron feeders, pipe conveyors, drum motors for belt conveyors, sampling systems etc... we have very good exposure towards the customers like Coal handling plants, cement plants, paper and pulp industries, sugar industries, bio-mass handling industries, lignite handling indutries, cigarette manufacturing industries, packaging industries etc... we too have good contacts with consultants like Mecon, TCS, Ansaldo - boiler designers etc...
We would like to request you, that if you have any company that is looking for a representation in India for their operation in Indian Market, Yes; we can do it on mutual benefit basis. Please inform us about this and give us some leads and enable us to render our services to the forien manufacturers who are on the lookout of Indian market for the Bulk material Handling systems.
Representation in India Offered
Dear Sir,
We have very good experience in bulk material handling products like belt conveyors,roller conveyors, bucket elevators, screw conveyors, apron feeders, pipe conveyors, drum motors for belt conveyors, sampling systems etc... we have very good exposure towards the customers like Coal handling plants, cement plants, paper and pulp industries, sugar industries, bio-mass handling industries, lignite handling indutries, cigarette manufacturing industries, packaging industries etc... we too have good contacts with consultants like Mecon, TCS, Ansaldo - boiler designers etc...
We would like to request you, that if you have any company that is looking for a representation in India for their operation in Indian Market, Yes; we can do it on mutual benefit basis. Please inform us about this and give us some leads and enable us to render our services to the forien manufacturers who are on the lookout of Indian market for the Bulk material Handling systems.
With regards,
K.J. Janakiram
Manager - Sales
#71/1. 10th Cross
Bhovipalya, Mahalaxmilayout
Bangalore - 560 086
https://edir.bulk-online.com/profile/9863-janakiram.htm ■