Now new, on the move with smartphone and tablet customers quickly discover the range of series-manufactured and special products of the Jacob pipe system.
Scanning the QR code leads to the practical JACOB page designed especially for mobile devices.
With the quickly accessible page JACOB PIPEWORK SYSTEMS is in line with the trend. Mobile the customers get an overview of our products and the current information as well as the possibility to communicate with JACOB quick and easy.
The page leads to the complete product catalogue with illustrative product photo material.
Moreover it is linked to www.jacob-pipesystems.euwww.jacob to obtain additional product information. Thanks to the button "e-mail" or "phone", customers can get easily in touch on the route or update the contact data in their mobile devices.
(double click on picture)
QR Code: Modular pipework systems authentic JACOB
The trade show overview informs where the authentic JACOB products will be present.
Via more than 40 representatives in 35 countries JACOB PIPEWORK SYSTEMS is available worldwide.
Specialised in bulk goods handling dust extraction, exhaust air
Jacob is the leading manufacturer for pipe systems based on the modular concept in Europe. Pipe systems for bulk material handling as well as dust extraction and exhaust air units for environmental engineering (cooling air/exhaust air) are the largest application areas for the JACOB pipe systems (diameters 60 - 800 mm or larger as a customised production, 1-3 mm pipe wall thickness, primed, galvanised or stainless steel).
Easy installations, in addition to innovative developments and high deliverability of serial products from a big warehouse, ensure an outstanding position for JACOB pipe systems in all industries which employ metal piping for manufacturing processes.
The main customers are can be found in the chemistry and in the pharmaceutical industry, the plastics industry or in the food industry (e.g. coffee, cacao, chocolate, sugar or in grain processing) or in feed plants, the tobacco industry, the automotive industry, the chip industry, machine construction or in the paper and building materials industries.
New website meets smartphones & tablets
Now new, on the move with smartphone and tablet customers quickly discover the range of series-manufactured and special products of the Jacob pipe system.
Scanning the QR code leads to the practical JACOB page designed especially for mobile devices.
With the quickly accessible page JACOB PIPEWORK SYSTEMS is in line with the trend. Mobile the customers get an overview of our products and the current information as well as the possibility to communicate with JACOB quick and easy.
The page leads to the complete product catalogue with illustrative product photo material.
Moreover it is linked to www.jacob-pipesystems.euwww.jacob to obtain additional product information. Thanks to the button "e-mail" or "phone", customers can get easily in touch on the route or update the contact data in their mobile devices.
(double click on picture)
QR Code: Modular pipework systems authentic JACOB
The trade show overview informs where the authentic JACOB products will be present.
Via more than 40 representatives in 35 countries JACOB PIPEWORK SYSTEMS is available worldwide.
Specialised in bulk goods handling dust extraction, exhaust air
Jacob is the leading manufacturer for pipe systems based on the modular concept in Europe. Pipe systems for bulk material handling as well as dust extraction and exhaust air units for environmental engineering (cooling air/exhaust air) are the largest application areas for the JACOB pipe systems (diameters 60 - 800 mm or larger as a customised production, 1-3 mm pipe wall thickness, primed, galvanised or stainless steel).
Easy installations, in addition to innovative developments and high deliverability of serial products from a big warehouse, ensure an outstanding position for JACOB pipe systems in all industries which employ metal piping for manufacturing processes.
The main customers are can be found in the chemistry and in the pharmaceutical industry, the plastics industry or in the food industry (e.g. coffee, cacao, chocolate, sugar or in grain processing) or in feed plants, the tobacco industry, the automotive industry, the chip industry, machine construction or in the paper and building materials industries.
For more information, please visit:öhne.htm2125 fr jacob söhne.htm
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