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White Paper

New Developments in Continuous Mining and Materials Handling

Written by Rixen, W. edited by mhd on 18. Oct. 2023
Bulk mining and handling technologies have been affected in two ways by the soaring cost of oil and oil products in recent years. Firstly, the substitution of oil by coal, oil sands and oil shale demands the development of high-capacity mining and handling equipment and secondly, the rising fuel costs favour a trend away from cost-intensive heavy truck transport.

To open up new coal, oil shale and oil sand deposits adequate equipment has to be created for mining and handling such materials.

Since especially the more accessible coal and lignite deposits are exhausted, it is necessary to turn to deposits with less favourable overburden/coal ratio and less easy stripping conditions: higher overburden/coal ratios in turn mean handling of greater overburden volumes for production of a given quantity of coal.

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