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Case Study

Biggest-Ever Bucket Wheel Reclaimers in the Coal Terminal of Port Kembla

Written by Kemper, H. edited by mhd on 10. Oct. 2023
Near Wollongong, NSW, 100 km south of Sydney, a new coal terminal is being built in Port Kembia The initial capacity will be 15·106 tonnes and the final capacity 25·106 tonnes per year. The coal will be carried to the terminal by rail and truck and stockpiled by means of boom stackers.

In the initial phase of operation two bucket wheel reclaimers will feed coal from the stock piles onto trunk conveyors leading to the ship loaders. The terminal will be commissioned in 1982. The bucket wheel reclaimers built by Krupp Industrie und Stahlbau, Duisburg, West Germany, will be the biggest units ever built for reclaiming coal from storage.

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