Carbon Black - Shipping, Storage and Silos

Posted in: , on 6. May. 2009 - 17:25


I am a process engineer conducting a screening study for a client, that is interested in building a carbon black plant. Unfortunatley there are a few pieces of information that I have not been able to find or deduce, and was wondering if anyone with expertise in the subject could help.

This being a screening study I only require rough estimates and not detailed numbers. The plant is being designed to produce 150 KTPA, of carbon black in total (6 grades, roughly equal weighting). 330 day operation assumed.

Please could someone help on the following information:

1) What is the configuration/size of Silos is recommended?

2) In considering transportation by shipping, what are the sizes of containers used - I expect that rail would take the CB to the ship, but can a standard shipping container be lifted and placed onto a ship.

Thank you for your help

Best Regards


Re: Carbon Black - Shipping, Storage And Silos

Posted on 13. May. 2009 - 06:17

Dear Jess,For your screening study it requires lot of inputs and also lot of time.

We are providing similar type of studies from shipping -storage-silo-packing -despatch(you forgotton packing and despatch).If your client is interested please provide our referance.Recently, we have designed conceptual layout,flow sheets, cross sections,tech. specs,vendor development,costing for 10 mtpa iron ore loading termianl at pardip for Noble + Gammon group.

I know carbon black is different ball game but we have past experiance -

In silo technology--Worked with I-BAU'S Hamburg represettative in India

In packing,Despatch(auto truck andwagon loading)---Worked with Haver and Boecker's JV in India

Worked with Mollers JV in India

We might have designed more then 20 such systems for cement,flyash,carbon black ect.

Regards, Anil Seth


Freeport Construction Companies Ahoy!

Posted on 14. May. 2009 - 08:33
Quote Originally Posted by JdhariwalView Post

I am a process engineer conducting a screening study f........ but can a standard shipping container be lifted and placed onto a ship.

Thank you for your help

Best Regards


The whole idea of shipping containers is that they are lifted & placed on & off ships & things.

You've a long way to go on this one lad. Do it properly & put out a formal enquiry.

Carbon Black.

Posted on 18. May. 2009 - 02:17

Dear sir,

To handle caebon black you have to compare it to no other material.

It will need to be continually airated to prevent caking.

We have dealt with this in the tyer production and know how severe it is.

You should make a formal enquiry of this otherwise you will get people giving you some very bad advise which will result in major equipment changes in the

successfull handling of it.

Handling Carbon Black

Posted on 24. Jun. 2009 - 01:30

What form is the black when you are handling it, powders, pellets, combination? The design of the silos is critical to the good handling. The containers will work but normally you would want a sealed liner in the container.

I have been doing carbon black handling for 40 years. Let me know if I can help. I work on a consulting basis.

Ted Key

Ted Key