Minimum, maximum, and average levels per section are reported for up to 99 unique sections. The data is aggregated to output a visual showing the topography of the entire storage bunker.This first-of-its-kind solution is used to estimate inventory and improve production efficiency. Identifying high and low sections allows for automating process control and managing the filling or extraction of materials through cone-shaped hoppers in the bottom of the bunker.In proven installations, up to 20 3DLevelScanners have been mounted in the upper structure of the bunker roof. The bunker is virtually divided into sections as small as 1.5 by 1.5 meters with the 3D sensors continuously measuring changes across the surface and providing unique visual and data reporting of inventory in the massive structure. This cutting-edge technology is ideal for copper, alumina, coal, or other ores or aggregates stored in covered structures. ■
Product News
BinMaster: Breakthrough Technology measures Level per Section in Covered Storage Bunkers
Lincoln (NE), United States –