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Product News

Binmaster 3D Level Scanner IECEx/ATEX approved for Global Market

Edited by mhd on 16. Aug. 2023
Lincoln (NE), United StatesAccurate 3D level measurement for silos is in global demand. BinMaster answers with the launch of the 3D Level Scanner with IECEx/ATEX approvals opening world-wide possibilities for tough applications. BinMaster is the exclusive worldwide provider of this level sensor with multiple-point measurement and 3D mapping software.

Content - 2023 08 16 binmaster 01 img

The 3D level sensor measures and maps multiple points on the material surface. Measuring irregular material surfaces ensures improved accuracy when calculating volume. Its accompanying 3DVision software shows a 3D image representing the topography inside the silo. This image indicates buildup that can cause sidewall damage in the silo and cone up or down conditions. MultiVision software allows viewing of multiple silos at a single location.

3D non-contact, dust-penetrating acoustic technology accurately measures solids and powders, including low dielectric materials. BinMaster offers single sensor and multiple scanner systems for bins from 12 feet to over 132 feet in diameter. Mounting plates, neck extensions, and replacement units and parts for new or legacy APM or Rosemount systems are available. Contact Matt Virgillito, international sales manager, for price quotations.

The 3D level scanning technology developed by APM Automation Solutions Ltd. in Israel has been sold by BinMaster since 2009. In 2020, BinMaster acquired the exclusive license to manufacture and distribute the 3D Solids Scanner level sensor and 3D mapping software worldwide from Emerson Automation Solutions.

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