Designed to measure and communicate the distance between passing buckets and the elevator housing, the Belt Position Monitoring System allows contactless recognition of the belt position inside bucket elevators with four Belt Edge Distance Sensors attached to either side of the bucket elevator—two at the head and two at the boot.Sensors send signals with differing values to process control that identify whether the belt is traveling in the center, or is moving increasingly to the left or to the right. Additionally, the belt position is displayed through a series of 10 LEDs installed in the belt position indicator device.Using the belt monitoring device, users can visualize the position of their belt in real-time outside the bucket elevator housing with the ability to evaluate the belt's traveling behavior over time. Warning and disconnection settings are scalable and can be easily reconfigured. And the system can be easily installed on existing bucket elevators.Current mechanical belt monitoring devices require direct contact with belts, which can cause damage to the device and deformation of belts. Additionally, mechanical devices can recognize only one belt tracking position, with information about critical belt positions coming too late to begin preventative maintenance.“The BEUMER Belt Position Monitoring System makes long-term evaluation of a belt’s traveling behavior possible and allows for preventative maintenance depending on the actual wear of components,” said Brian Giese, BEUMER Director of Business Development. “It can reduce downtime by identifying areas of concern in advance of planned maintenance activities.” ■
Product News
BEUMER Group introduces Belt Position Monitoring System for High-capacity Bucket Elevators
Beckum, Germany –