Predominantly these pieces of process equipment will be used to extract wheat from a number of silos and transfer it to the milling facilities as well as adding a separate, new lorry loading system; all as depicted below.Fairport, as well as being able to design and supply these specialist machines also has an all-round turnkey capability that allows it to work in an advantageous partnership manner with many clients. On this particular project Fairport has supplied the proprietary electrical and instrumentation equipment for the system. Fairport Engineering have provided structural steelwork calculations and detail drawings for local supply. The client is also providing civil works, electrical cabling and overall installation all of which is to be provided in accordance with Fairport’s design and engineering requirements and on-site management and supervision requirements. ■
Company News
Fairport delivers Drag Conveyors and Bucket Elevators to Nigeria on Time for major Shutdown
Having been awarded the contract earlier in 2017 Fairport Engineering has now delivered some twelve drag link conveyors and five bucket elevators to a new client in Nigeria. These pieces of equipment and various ancillaries such as actuated valves, chute-work and spares will form the key mechanical units in a challenging project to increase wheat mill production capacity from 65 to some 200 t/h.