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DJS Process Consulting announced as Finalist in 2018 IChemE Global Awards

Edited by mhd on 1. Oct. 2018
Kiln Pit Hill, United Kingdom

The IChemE Global Awards, in association with Johnson Matthey, celebrate excellence and achievement in chemical, biochemical and process engineering. Finalists demonstrate their professional engineering expertise across a range of industry sectors and projects.The nomination is jointly with Vecor Limited for innovation and process design in the field of waste fly ash utilisation.

Vecor's Systema Leonardo facilitates the cleaning up of waste left by power stations and the conversion into high value products.

Vecor's Systema Leonardo facilitates the cleaning up of waste left by power stations and the conversion into high value products. The processing steps involve most operations common to solids handling, including continuous solids metering, mixing, milling, size classification, liquid addition, pressing and drying. The final detailed design used 3D CAD tools to ensure an optimal plant layout prior to construction. The plant in Zibo, China is now nearing the completion of commission and will move into full production by the end of October.The plant design also embraces the latest Industry 4.0 concepts with the intent of creating a state of the art end to end fly ash reprocessing facility. This provides the latest on line instrumentation, data acquisition, data historian and secure cloud enabled remote “anywhere” access and data analysis capabilities. This element of the project was created in partnership with DJS Process Consulting Ltd.

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