Ibau Ship Unloader For Sale
Can the assembly of the Ship Unloader on a new site be done by IBAU engineers?
Yes, erection and training of the new users can be done by IBAU engineers.
We will gladly answer your questions regarding this offer.
Please contact:
Reinhard H. Wohlbier
wohlbier@bulk-online.com ■
Ibau Ship Unloader For Sale
If working previously with cement the SU must be a Dust Free machine. Please confirm.
Confirmation: Operation is dust free ■
Ibau Ship Unloader For Sale
IBAU Ship Unloader for Sale
Can the Ship Unloader be inspected at the Spanish port?
Yes, it is possible to visit the machine at the Port of Almeria. IBAU engineers can also come to the site, if required. ■
Ibau Ship Unloader For Sale
IBAU Ship Unloader for Sale
Should you be interested in the used IBAU Ship Unloader stationed in Aleria, Spain, please watch this Video:
Please let me know if yu have any questions.
Reply to:
Ibau Ship Unloader For Sale
IBAU Ship Unloader for Sale
Can the Ship Unloader be used for unloading Fly Ash?
Yes, the Ship Unloader can unload fly ash as well as cement.
The Ship Unloader in its present design and construction cannot be used for unloading Sulphur, Phosphate, Fertilizer, Coal. ■
Ibau Ship Unloader Almeria Spain
We herewith present photographs of the landing of the Ship Unloader in Almeria, Spain after transport from Germany.
Ibau Ship Unloader Almeria Spain
Here are some more photographs of the landing of the Ship Unloader in Almeria, Spain after transport from Germany.
Ibau Ship Unloader Almeria Spain
Ship unloader IBAU BS 1400 made in Germany.
Out of an insolvency - we are selling this asset – ex works Spain – immediately available –
IBAU Ship unloader – 60.000 dwt class – 800 t/h rated – port mobile
YoM 2008 – just ran 1.397 hours used.
Dust avoiding design – less losses of volume.
Full set of detailed drawings, spare lists, technical description etc. available
Sales price ex works – as is *= 1.400.000,- EUR net (grand total new was 4.8 Mio EUR net)
Offer is subject to prior sale
Please be informed that we are in negotiations with a final client.
This ship unloader is still at site port Almeria Spain.
Please also see this video:
For more details, please contact:
Dr.-Ing. Reinhard H. Wöhlbier, CEO
The Powder / Bulk Portal
Sommerkellerweg 20
83671 Benediktbeuern
email: wohlbier@bulk-online.com ■
IBAU Ship Unloader Almeria Spain
IBAU Ship Unloader for Sale
www.bulk online.com ■
60.000 dwt class – 800 t/h rated – port mobile
YoM 2008 – just ran 1.397 hours used.
Dust avoiding design – less losses of volume
Full set of detailed drawings, spare lists, technical description etc. available
Sales Price ex works = 1.485.000,- EUR net (price new was 4.85 Mio EUR net)
Offer is subject to prior sale
This ship unloader is still at site.
Location = Spain
For more details, please contact:
Dr.-Ing. Reinhard H. Wöhlbier, CEO
The Powder / Bulk Portal
Sommerkellerweg 20
83671 Benediktbeuern