Re: Thermical Elongation
Originally posted by brands
Can anyone inform me about the thermical elongation of the plies of rubber belts. Temperature range 0-40 dedrees or extreem -10 up to 90 degrees celcius
Mr. Brands,
you should investigate the CEMA web site. ■
Re: Thermical Elongation
thank you for your reply I will try to find the information ■
Re: Thermical Elongation
Dear Mr Brands,
I am not that experienced in conveyor belts, but is the
change in elasticty as a function of the temperature not equally important ? (or even more ?)
best regards
teus ■
Re: Thermical Elongation
Than you for your reply,
If the elasticity changes with the temperature indeed this is important to know also.
kind regards
Johan ■
Re: Thermical Elongation
Density, elastic (dynamic) modulus and thermal expansion coefficients of rubber and fabric tensile members (polymers) do change with temperature, molecular level construction materials, constuctions of differing weaves, strain rates, and many other conditions.
I have posted dynamic elastic rubber polymer properties (E') dependent on temperature and strain rate both in the forum and on our website as factors in calculating rolling resistance and power analysis. The dynamic modulus is the true spring property which cannot be determined from any simple force-displacement test.
Note: rubber and fabric tensile members (nylon, polesters, et al) are related polmers. The dynamic modulus cycling can range from very slow force-displacement ( seconds to hours) to very fast ( milliseconds).
The values are too complex to post. Most manufacturers do not offer these properties because of their complexities and potential for misuse.
I do believe this has been discussed before in this forum. ■
Re: Thermical Elongation
Another important point -- the elastic modulus differs in tension, torsion and compression. ■
Re: Thermical Elongation
Mr. Nordell
I understand this is a complex subject and indeed I did not get any information from supliers.
Is the influence under normal conditions not that much that changes in tension for spindle tensioned conveyors can be neglected. In fact the elongation of the conveyor frame also has some influences on the pretension. As long as both are positive and having the same value like steelcord belts the influences are eliminated as long as the prioduct has the same temperature as the surrounding atmosphere.
Johan Brands ■
Thermical elongation
Can anyone inform me about the thermical elongation of the plies of rubber belts. Temperature range 0-40 dedrees or extreem -10 up to 90 degrees celcius ■