We have a Stacker cum Reclaimer in our Yard for handling Iron Ore & pellets. We face problem of tripping of boom conveyor on load, during Stacking mode. The equipment details are as follows:
Boom Conv. Belt wdth - 1000 mm, troughing angle 35 Deg.
Pulley CRS - 40 Mtrs.
Belt speed - 2 m/s, Drive Pulley Dia - 630 mm.
Tripper Belt :
BW - 800 mm, Speed : 3 m/s, Capacity - 1000 TPH.
On study, I have found following observations:
1. The tripping increased when we changed the belt. We have screw take up at Discharge Pulley. The screw is being tightened as and when slackness noticed.
2. The boom conveyor is a tail driven conveyor when in stacking mode. We have fluid coupling in the drive system.
3. The tripping is more often when the Boom Luffing angle crosses 8 deg while carrying pellets. The design is for + 9 deg to -10.5 deg.
I want to know from fellow members that :
1. Is it a standard feature in all Stacke cum Reclaimer that boom conveyor will be a tail driven conveyor in stacking mode? Can we provide a supporting drive like drive system inside the Discahrge Pulley?
2. Will replacing the existing screw take up with hydraulic take up help?
Please do not reply that there is a mis-match in the width or speed of Tripper & boom conveyor, we know it. In any case, the capacity is matching.
We want to strengthen the boom conveyor so that it takes the maximum load at highest level of Stock Pile.
Stacker/Reclaimer Tripping problem on Load
Dear all,
We have a Stacker cum Reclaimer in our Yard for handling Iron Ore & pellets. We face problem of tripping of boom conveyor on load, during Stacking mode. The equipment details are as follows:
Peak Capacity : 1000 TPH ( Stacking) & 800 TPH (Reclaiming)
Boom Conv. Belt wdth - 1000 mm, troughing angle 35 Deg.
Pulley CRS - 40 Mtrs.
Belt speed - 2 m/s, Drive Pulley Dia - 630 mm.
Tripper Belt :
BW - 800 mm, Speed : 3 m/s, Capacity - 1000 TPH.
On study, I have found following observations:
1. The tripping increased when we changed the belt. We have screw take up at Discharge Pulley. The screw is being tightened as and when slackness noticed.
2. The boom conveyor is a tail driven conveyor when in stacking mode. We have fluid coupling in the drive system.
3. The tripping is more often when the Boom Luffing angle crosses 8 deg while carrying pellets. The design is for + 9 deg to -10.5 deg.
I want to know from fellow members that :
1. Is it a standard feature in all Stacke cum Reclaimer that boom conveyor will be a tail driven conveyor in stacking mode? Can we provide a supporting drive like drive system inside the Discahrge Pulley?
2. Will replacing the existing screw take up with hydraulic take up help?
Please do not reply that there is a mis-match in the width or speed of Tripper & boom conveyor, we know it. In any case, the capacity is matching.
We want to strengthen the boom conveyor so that it takes the maximum load at highest level of Stock Pile.
Regards ■