Dear Carlos,
You can certainly use the equations and my Excel-based calculation procedure to optimize the design of your pneumatic conveying system and to save energy. If you have any problem using this method, you may send me an email asking my help.
Amrit T. Agarwal
Consulting Engineer
Pneumatic Conveying Consulting LLC
Email: polypcc@aol.com
Ph and Fax: 304 346 5125 ■
Re: New Articles
The question you posted didn't have to do with optimizing your pneumatic system -- you already stated that the air pressure from the 8 bar compressor was to be throttled back to 4 bar for conveying purposes.
There is no need to make a detailed calculation, your intuition was correct that it does not make sense to expend the energy to pressure the air to 8 bar, only to use it at 4 bar.
A properly sized compressor the conditions you need will be more cost effective in the long term.
Regards ■
Conveying Pressure In Pneumatic Conveying
Dear Carlos,
I respectfully disagree with Mr. Jack Hilbert that lowering the compressor pressure to 4 bars will be the right thing to do to minimize energy use. We all know that pressure drop in pneumatic conveying lines does not depend upon the compressor pressure. This pressure drop should be calculated based on your operating conditions and conveying system design. Only after that you will know the discharge pressure at which the compressor should run at.
Amrit T. Agarwal
Consulting Engineer
Pneumatic Conveying Consulting LLC
Email: polypcc@aol.com
Ph and Fax: 304 346 5125 ■
Lowering The Compressure Set Point...
I can't low the pressure, because the compressor delivers ait to other uses that need air at 8 bar, like pneumatic valves and pistons.
Mr. Amrit, I read your article many times, but I'm not sure about use it to DENSE PHASE CALCULATIONS, because in the title says that is for DILUTE PHASE... Mr. Amrit, I was closing the pressure reducter valve from 8 to 0,8 bar, and the system works very good. I think that positive displacement blowers could be a good choice for this aplication.
I'll be attempt for your comments.
Carlos Aguirre
Energy Saving Engineer
Colombia ■
Theory And Design Of Dilute Phase Pneumatic Conveying Systems
Many thanks for the copy of your article "Theory and design of dilute phase pneumatic conveying systems"
The article simplifies what can be a difficult subject to understand
I look forward reading your other articles on pneumatic conveying and dust collection
John Clarkson ■
Theory, Design, And Calculations For Dilute Phase Pneumatic Con…
Dear Carlos,
This article (Theory and Design of Dilute Phase Pneumatic Conveying Systems) is for dilute phase calculations only. My article on dense phase calculations will be published in the near future. After its publication, I will be glad to send a copy to you.
Since your conveying system is running in dilute phase mode, you don't need the dense phase article.
If the pressure indicator just upstream of the solids' feed point shows 0.8 bar at the design solids conveying rate, in that case, you could surely use a Roots type blower. These blowers are good for 1 bar pressure.
Using this blower instead of the 8 bar compressor will save you sufficient energy to justify its cost. But you may like to run cost/benefit calculations to make sure.
Amrit T. Agarwal
Consulting Engineer
Pneumatic Conveying Consulting LLC
Email: polypcc@aol.com
Ph and Fax: 304 346 5125 ■
Re: New Articles
dear amrit
may i have the calculation sheet
my email
tq ■
Sea Bulk Container For Pta
Dear Mr. Agarwal,
Many thanks for your article about "Theory and Design of Dilute Phase Pneumatic Conveying Systems". It is very useful for me to size the dilute phase conveying pipes.
I am also really looking forward for the publication of your article about dense phase conveying. Because my company want to setup a sea bulk container loading unit for PTA.
J.K.Yu ■
Re: New Articles
i think it is a good choice to using a air buffer tank if everyone want dense phase conveying, and also i think the pressure of air buffer tank is not less than 6bar, from my test , i think the low pressure of air buffer tank can not lower the airflow of transport. and it is difficult to get a dense conveying calculation formula, also experiences is very important.
Thanks To Mr A.t.aggarwal
Re: New Articles
Dear Mr Agarwal,
I have been looking for a commercial software soultion for designing pneumatic transport systems. By reading these forums I realize that this is not straight forward (is the best alternative the PneuCalc?) and that I need to do these calculations by mt self in each individual case. Could you please send a copy of your article also to me?
kjellhaakon@hotmail.com ■
Re: New Articles
Dear sir Agarwal,
Can you please send me your articles on "Design of dilute phaase pneumatic conveying lines" and the calculations for a stepped pipeline with Nitrogen as conveying gas.
Thanks for your answer.
Your sincerely,
Loubna ■
Re: New Articles
dear MR. amrit:
i am working on designing of pneumatic conveying to transport soap noodles..
actually , i want to find out what are the basic inputs that i need for design of pneumatic conveyor . ■
Re: Theory, Design, And Calculations For Dilute Phase Pneumatic…
Dear sir Agarwal,
Fortunately I found your articles on internet about pneumatic conveying.
I am in the charge of manufacturing detergent powder in south korea and
we are now applying many pneumatic conveying to convey raw materials(dilute phase pressure/vaccum)
granulated powder(dense phase pressure operation to prevent particle breaking).
Can you please send me your articles on "Design of dilute & dense phase pneumatic conveying lines" and
the calculations(excel) for a stepped pipeline with air as conveying gas.
and if possible I'd like to receive the comparison between pneumatic/Mechanic system.
Thanks for your answer.
Your sincerely
e-mail: doopark@cjlion.net ■
Pneumatic Conveyor Calculation
Dear Members:
I have recived Mr. Amrit Agarwal`s article which info we prepared on a Excel Sheet. The results match the practical values on a system we evaluated.
Thanks Amrit for such excellent tool.
Regards, William Manso ■
Dense/Dilute Phase Calculations
Can anyone provide me with info regarding calculations associated with dense/dilute phase calcs, including corollaries and there decendance/proofs?
Much appreciation ■
I have been looking everywhere for this article "Theory and Design of Pneumatic Conveying Systems" published in the April 2005 issue of Powder Handling and Processing, i cannot seem to be able to get my hands on it. can anyone PLEASE forward it to me? my email: mtua@irishcement.ie (preferable)
Thanks so much to whom delivers it
Can anyone provide me with info regarding calculations associated with dense/dilute phase pneumatic conveying, including corollaries and there decendance/proofs? Or books/journals/articles addressing this topic
Much appreciation
Max Tua ■
Re: New Articles
Dear Mr. Amrit
I am a professional in the pneumatic conveying line and would love to have your equations/calculation sheet for reference.
Could you kindly forward your excel files to my e-mail at:-
Thanks & Regards,
Goh ■
Pressure Calculations In Dilute Phase Convey System
I have found Mr. Agarwal article very informative, easy to use, and helpful in the design of a fly ash collection system. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a concise approach to understanding the pressure calculations in a dilute phase convey system.
Peter ■
Re: New Articles
Dear Mr. Agarwal,
Thank you for sending the article "Theory and Design of Pneumatic Conveying Systems." It has proven useful in troubleshooting some on site conveyance problems. It is a very informative tool.
Kyle ■
Need Of Calculation File
Dear All,
I am not able to locate the article on net, If any one has that article or excel base calculation file, Kindly send me that article on
Ranjay ■
Calculation Of Pneumatic Conveying
i m working on the project pneumatic conveyor....i have a calculation problem if any one help me i shall be very thankfull to him..
my problem is:
1)density =.88kg/m3
and the material is soap noodles
what will be the air conveying velocity ...and how it can be calculated ....the required mass flow rate of soap noodle is 2 ton/hr.
2) how to ca ■
Calculation Of Pneumatic Conveying
i m working on the project pneumatic conveyor....i have a calculation problem if any one help me i shall be very thankfull to him..
my problem is:
1)density =.88kg/m3
and the material is soap noodles
what will be the air conveying velocity ...and how it can be calculated ....the required mass flow rate of soap noodle is 2 ton/hr.
2) how to calculate phase density
my email address is ahsannazakat84@hotmail.com
its urgent ....plz help me ■
Pneumatic Conveying Calculations
Please send your request by email to me. I will try to help you.
Amrit Agarwal
Consulting Engineer
Pneumatic Conveying Consulting
Email: polypcc@aol.com
Ph and Fax: 304 346 5125 ■
Pneumatic Calculations
Hello everybody
I'm working in a project with pneumatic transport which is my first job related to pneumatic conveying.
We have a plant in which we have PE pellets with 1/8" diameter passing through pipes 6" sch 10S in aluminium polished.
I have made calculations based on McCabe fluidization and I found that a I need 42 brake power for conveying 9.000 lb/h using 1666 ACFM with 92ºF and 14.7 psia as real conditions. Other data are 32lb/ft3 bulk density, 0 ft above sea level, 225 ft of pipe, with 6 long bends 90º, 90 ft of vertical distance and 2 rotary feeder, 3 divert valve, 3 butterfly valves, 1 check valve, 2 filters with 0.21 psi delta pressure and 1 heat exhanger after compresion with 0.3 psi in shell side, for cooling the air. I considered adiabatic compression with 75% efficiency.
Please tell me if my calculation showing 42 brake HP was correct or not.
Thanks a lot
Best regards
Daniel ■
Pneumatic Conveying Calculations
If you know basic Excel, you can check your calculations yourself using the design method given in my article "Theory and Design of Dilute Phase Pneumatic Conveying Systems". This article was published in Powder Handling and Processing magazine last year.
Amrit Agarwal
Consulting Engineer
Pneumatic Conveying Consulting
Email: polypcc@aol.com
Ph and Fax: 304 346 5125 ■
Program Calculatio
Dear all
Im looking for a program to compare what I got in my post, amrit told me about his article and his spreadsheet, but I havent found his article, nor its magazine... Would somebody help me to buy it or to get a electronic copy (e.g. PDF file) of the article ?
Best regards
Daniel Giraldo
Process engineer SPEConsulting ■
Re: New Articles
Thanks a lot for your help and your kindness
Could you please send me a copy of the excel program you have to calculate a pneumatic conveying system ?
Best regards
Daniel ■
Excel Program
Dear Amrit
Could you please send me an electronic copy of the excel program you have made to perform calculations of a pneumatic conveying system ?
Best regards
Daniel Giraldo ■
Conveying Calculation
Dear Amrit,
At the momment I'm preparing conveying system for fine coal tranport. I should check supplier calculation due to changes of rate. If your excel calculation can be shared with us, it is should be better.
Mulyadi Rafiudin
PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk.
Corporate Engineering
Narogong Plant Project Engineer ■
Re: New Articles
Mr. Agarwal,
Thank you for sending me a copy of "Theory and Design of Dilute Phase Pneumatic Conveying Systems" I found the article to be excelent. It was very clear and easy to follow. I am finding it to be of great practical use.
Mark ■
Conveying Calculation Sheet
Dear Mark and Amrit,
Could you pls share the documents with me ?
Pls also send at my email adress :
Thank's and Regards.- ■
Applause For Dr. Agarwal
I just finished reading / reviewing a copy of "Theory and Design of Dilute Phase Pneumatic Conveying Systems", by Dr. A. T. Agarwal. The theory and calculation procedures involved are elucidated very clearly, and the example spreadsheet makes setting up and validating one's own spreadsheet very easy indeed. This is the sort of practical, hands-on article of which the profession needs more.
Kudos to the author of this article. I'll be watching for future work of this sort. ■
Article Of Amrit Is Excellent
Mr. Amrit, thanks a lot for sending me the copy of your article. I'm reading it and implementing a spreadsheet to calculate a pneumatic system. It is very clear and easy to understand, its language is perfect and is well distributed and organized.
The example at the end of the text could not be better, it's a piece of cake to make calculations with Excel.
Daniel Giraldo ■
Thanks Mr Amrit
Mr. Amrit,
Thanks a lot for sending me the electronic copy of your article. I'm reading it and setting up the spreadsheet program to calculate my pneumatic system.
Your article is perfect, well-distributed and organized. We will follow it to compare with our calculations.
The example at the end of the text could not be better, it's a piece of cake to make calculations with Excel.
Daniel Giraldo ■
Re: New Articles
For some reason, the separate thread was deleted.
In any event, after reading/reviewing Dr. Agarwal's article on dilute phase system theory and design, I have to applaud the author. The theory and practice were elucidated concisely and clearly. Furthermore, the example calculation makes it very easy indeed to set up and validate one's own spreadsheet(s) for similar design/rating problems.
We need more practical, hands-on articles like this. ■
Amrit Agarwal
Thanks by the sent of your publication about the systems of pneumatic transport in dilute phase. Without doubts it has been very useful to improve my project and facilitates the accomplishment of the required calculations.
I want to know where I can find the values of factor K for crude raw mix for the cement manufacture and if this one depends on the inclination of the conduit.
I reiterate my gratefulness to you and request sends articles to me on the subject.
Eng. Ren Laserna Nogueras
Cementos Curazao S. A. ■
Re: New Articles
As far as my memory serves me I think it is written in the paper somewhere that the K value is to be back calculated from actual pressure drops obtained form lab or pilot scale test facilities. ■
Re: New Articles
Dear Amrit, thank you for your article. It's an excellent introduction to pneumatic conveying which has helped me greatly with the analysis of an existing conveying system. ■
I'd just like to say that this forum is truly a great help and means of sharing vital information. It is wonderful that people are so willing to share their knowledge and advice. A special thanks goes to Amrit T. Agarwal for his help with the pneumatic conveying calcs and information which he emailed as well as to Izaharis for his help interest.
Peter ■
Re: New Articles
Dear Armit,
I try to send a mail to you at polypcc@aol.com to request your calculation excel.
Yet the system always send to me a return e-mail.
Colud you send the calculation excel to me at gzf73@163.com?
I am prepareing for a soy flake pneumatic conveying system and I am eager to realize more about the calculation of the system.
Best regards!
Zhifeng Guo ■
Re: New Articles
Much thanks to Mr. Agarwal for his paper: I can only advise to use it - it takes you through a systematic method and helps a lot (meaning: the second best to copy-paste) to make your own calculations.
Great! ■
Minimum Velocity Correlations- Particle Size Issue
Dear Amrit,
Thank you very much for the data you sent me regarding the Rizk and mitsumoto correlations for minimum saltation velociy.
There is one issue not clear to me: what is the real meaning of "average particle diameter?
I find it not reasonable that for many types of particle size distributions- for example - a very wide distribution with let's say particles up to 1 cm large with an average PSD of 500 microns and a 2nd case with all particles at 500 microns the minimum saltation velocity shall be the same.
Can you expalin the meaning of average diameter please?
Best regards
Amit Segev
Negev Industrial Minerals-Isreal
amit@nim.co.il ■
Re: New Articles
Our PNEU CALC sizing program has been recently updated and can help you with dense phase system sizing.
PNEU CALC has been in use for over 15 years and the latest version has included many improved features including Line Stepping as well.
If you are interested, send me an e-mail to my address below.
Regards ■
Receiving Excel File Pneumatic Conveying
Dear Armit,
I've received your excel file!
Thanks for all the help.
Niels ■
Re: New Articles
I have a question concerning the "Thoery and Design of Dilute Phase Pneumatic Conveying System" system. The equation for pressure drop due to solids aceleration is described as W*Vp/4640. With W being a constant, this value would vary only with Vp. On the example worksheet, the pressure drop due to solids acceleration drops from .371 psia to .006 psia between the first two sections despite the increace in inlet particle velocity. Is W*Vp/4640 the correct equation?
Mark ■
Article "Theory..."
Dear all
I have also found some innaccuracies in the article, and I have commented so to Mr. Agarwal. You should email to Agarwal about what you have found
Daniel Giraldo ■
Pressure Drop Equation
Thank you for asking this question. Equation given in my article is correct. Pressure drop is higher in the first section because the solids are being accelerated from their "at rest" condition at the beginning of the section to the conveying velocity at the end of the section. After this section, the pressure drop is very low because of the much lower increase in the solids velocity.
If you still have any other questions, or need more clarifications, please ask. I will be glad to answer them.
Amrit T. Agarwal
Consulting Engineer
Pneumatic Conveying Consulting
Email: polypcc@aol.com
Ph and Fax: 304 346 5125 ■
Re: New Articles
Dear Mr. Agarwal,
Many thanks for your article about "Theory and Design of Dilute Phase Pneumatic Conveying Systems". It has been very useful for my project and the layout is easy to follow.
I am really looking forward for the publication of your article about dense phase conveying.
And I have a question where can I find information about the maximun degree of angle we can use for a pipe transporting polipropilene pellets downward, how to calculate it.
Marisol Petit
marisolpetit@gmail.com ■
Re: New Articles
Dear Amrit,
Thank you for the article. It is easy to understand. I only have one problem getting the same results using the values in article
due to a question in Solid Acc. Pres drop item in the equation.
How does this equation takes acceleration from rest Vp into account? Neither in excel sheet or in formulas there is velocit difference unit? Amrit can you explain?
Thanks again for great article.
Bahadir ■
New Articles
My article "Product Quality in Pneumatic Conveying was published in Chemical Engineering in its November 2004 issue.
My article "Design Guide for Dust Collectors" was published in Chemical Engineering's February 2005 issue.
My article "Improving Rotary Valve Performance" is being published in the March 2005 issue of Chemical Engineering.
Let me know if you need copies.
A. T. Agarwal
Consulting Engineer
Pneumatic Conveying Consulting
Email: polypcc@aol.com
Ph and Fax: 304 346 5125 ■