AVA is one of the leading suppliers of machines and system solutions having its core competencies in mixing and drying of any kind and in any industry. One of AVA’s vital businesses lies in developing and supplying turn-key (mobile) plants for processing contaminated recyclables and wastes using high vacuum and/or high temperatures.
Comprising the core elements of vacuum evaporators and condensation and exhaust air treatment units, these plants are economical alternatives to rotary kilns when it comes to throughputs of up to 10 tons per hour. Their compact design makes them suitable both for onshore and offshore applications.
As examples should be mentioned the processing of contaminated filter and decanter slurries as well as the high-vacuum treatment of mercury wastes of any kind; for instance contaminated glass from lamp recycling and evaporating explosive substances from shredded lithium-ion accumulators, which may then be fed to subsequent recycling levels.
(double click on picture to open in new window)
The design’s focus always lies on the respective process technology. AVA plants allow for operating temperatures of up to 750°C/1,382°F and product temperatures of up to 650°C/1,202°F. AVA’s vertical evaporation technology allows for high-temperature processes under up to 10 mbar absolute, since bearings and sealings are located outside the product space, thus not touching the product. The result: maximum energy efficiency. In contrast to other technologies, the re-condensation of harmful substances is indeed possible. This leads to significantly reduced efforts and cost as far as further exhaust air treatment is concerned; very low emissions lead to easy compliance with national and international environmental-protection regulations.
Based on vast experience in both developing and running systems, we are in the position to use the most diverse technical details to generate numerous further advantages for our customers.
(double click on picture to open in new window)
Our plants are always designed to rule out contamination of the surroundings and of operating personnel. In order for us to guarantee a high degree of plant availability despite often very demanding conditions in the environmental sector, a vital engineering criterion is a simple and robust design which is resistant to contaminants. ATEX design is always an option.
Nearly every AVA plant is unique. Amendments on the core plant to meet the most diverse requirements, throughputs and tasks are standard. These amendments are based on trials in our trial center before the production plant itself is designed in every detail.
AVA-Huep exhibits at "Schüttgut" (Bulk Solids) 2014 in Dortmund, Germany, see icon and link below.
For more information, please visit:
https://edir.bulk-online.com/profile/2294-ava-huep.htm2294 ava huep.htm
Processing Hazardous Waste
Processing Hazardous Waste
AVA is one of the leading suppliers of machines and system solutions having its core competencies in mixing and drying of any kind and in any industry. One of AVA’s vital businesses lies in developing and supplying turn-key (mobile) plants for processing contaminated recyclables and wastes using high vacuum and/or high temperatures.
Comprising the core elements of vacuum evaporators and condensation and exhaust air treatment units, these plants are economical alternatives to rotary kilns when it comes to throughputs of up to 10 tons per hour. Their compact design makes them suitable both for onshore and offshore applications.
As examples should be mentioned the processing of contaminated filter and decanter slurries as well as the high-vacuum treatment of mercury wastes of any kind; for instance contaminated glass from lamp recycling and evaporating explosive substances from shredded lithium-ion accumulators, which may then be fed to subsequent recycling levels.
(double click on picture to open in new window)
The design’s focus always lies on the respective process technology. AVA plants allow for operating temperatures of up to 750°C/1,382°F and product temperatures of up to 650°C/1,202°F. AVA’s vertical evaporation technology allows for high-temperature processes under up to 10 mbar absolute, since bearings and sealings are located outside the product space, thus not touching the product. The result: maximum energy efficiency. In contrast to other technologies, the re-condensation of harmful substances is indeed possible. This leads to significantly reduced efforts and cost as far as further exhaust air treatment is concerned; very low emissions lead to easy compliance with national and international environmental-protection regulations.
Based on vast experience in both developing and running systems, we are in the position to use the most diverse technical details to generate numerous further advantages for our customers.
(double click on picture to open in new window)
Our plants are always designed to rule out contamination of the surroundings and of operating personnel. In order for us to guarantee a high degree of plant availability despite often very demanding conditions in the environmental sector, a vital engineering criterion is a simple and robust design which is resistant to contaminants. ATEX design is always an option.
Nearly every AVA plant is unique. Amendments on the core plant to meet the most diverse requirements, throughputs and tasks are standard. These amendments are based on trials in our trial center before the production plant itself is designed in every detail.
AVA-Huep exhibits at "Schüttgut" (Bulk Solids) 2014 in Dortmund, Germany, see icon and link below.
For more information, please visit:
https://edir.bulk-online.com/profile/2294-ava-huep.htm2294 ava huep.htm
Google Search:
http://www.google.com/search?hl=de&c...ulk-online.comsearch?hl=de&client=safari&rls=de de&q=ava huep+site%3Abulk online.com
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Chicago Powder Show 2014
Schuettgut / Recycling
Dortmund 2014
showthread.php?26602 POWTECH 2014
POWTECH / TechnoPharm 2014