Weak spots (gels), black spots and blurry surfaces in packaging films and food-grade containers make them unusable. These defects are mainly caused by dust and streamers in the virgin material. Pelletron offers solutions to eliminate these defects in the final product through dedusting of the pellets before extrusion or injection molding.
(double click on picture)
Pelletron’s RC DeDuster®
Pelletron is the global leader in dust removal technology. Recently, the company released new DeDusters® designed to help packaging producers eliminate dust and streamers. Why are dust and streamers a problem? Some final products, especially PA and PET films and sheets, are very sensitive to any level of dust in the resin. Dust particles often result in defects such as black spots, soft spots (gels) in the final product, or vaporize in the process generating tiny gas bubbles that make a surface blurry. Streamers or angel hair can clog the inlet throat of extruders or injection molding machines and may also lead to inaccurate scaling/dosing. The solution is to clean or dedust the plastic pellets before use in an extruder, an injection molding machine, an in-line blender or a drying hopper.
(double click on picture)
1. Gels in film 2. Inhomogeneous spots 3. Black spots
Pelletron’s DeDuster® is designed to integrate easily into existing installations or be an integral part of a new line. Using a DeDuster® increases the quality of the final product, reduces the scrap rate and consequently in- creases the profit. The installation of a dedusting system into the production line provides a quick return–on-investment. Pelletron has successfully installed more than 2,000 dedusting systems worldwide to the satisfaction of customers producing the highest quality parts for industries from plastic manufacturing, compounding, packaging, optical, medical and electronics to automotive and food packaging. The company offers free-of-charge dedusting tests in its test lab. Test requests can be submitted online at www.pelletron.comwww.pelletron.com
Defect-free Film Production
Defect-free Film Production
by Heinz ScHneider, Pelletron
Weak spots (gels), black spots and blurry surfaces in packaging films and food-grade containers make them unusable. These defects are mainly caused by dust and streamers in the virgin material. Pelletron offers solutions to eliminate these defects in the final product through dedusting of the pellets before extrusion or injection molding.
(double click on picture)
Pelletron’s RC DeDuster®
Pelletron is the global leader in dust removal technology. Recently, the company released new DeDusters® designed to help packaging producers eliminate dust and streamers. Why are dust and streamers a problem? Some final products, especially PA and PET films and sheets, are very sensitive to any level of dust in the resin. Dust particles often result in defects such as black spots, soft spots (gels) in the final product, or vaporize in the process generating tiny gas bubbles that make a surface blurry. Streamers or angel hair can clog the inlet throat of extruders or injection molding machines and may also lead to inaccurate scaling/dosing. The solution is to clean or dedust the plastic pellets before use in an extruder, an injection molding machine, an in-line blender or a drying hopper.
(double click on picture)
1. Gels in film 2. Inhomogeneous spots 3. Black spots
Pelletron’s DeDuster® is designed to integrate easily into existing installations or be an integral part of a new line. Using a DeDuster® increases the quality of the final product, reduces the scrap rate and consequently in- creases the profit. The installation of a dedusting system into the production line provides a quick return–on-investment. Pelletron has successfully installed more than 2,000 dedusting systems worldwide to the satisfaction of customers producing the highest quality parts for industries from plastic manufacturing, compounding, packaging, optical, medical and electronics to automotive and food packaging. The company offers free-of-charge dedusting tests in its test lab. Test requests can be submitted online at www.pelletron.comwww.pelletron.com
(double click on picture)
Packaging films
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See these Videos:
http://media.bulk-online.com/video/4...Pellbow™Pelletrons Patented Pellbow™
http://videos.bulk-online.com/video/...rp--DeDuster®Pelletron Corp DeDuster®
Technical Article:
Selecting Elbows for Pneumatic Conveying Systems
by Paul Wagner, Pelletron Corp., USA
https://forum.bulk-online.com/showth...lecting-Elbowsshowthread.php?12507 Selecting Elbows
bulk-online Leader, Mechanical Feeders, Rotary Valve Feeder, Pneumatic Conveyors, Equipment & Components, Airlocks & Valves, Airlocks, Diverter Valves, Dedusting, Diverters, Piping & Tubing, Bends & Elbows, Modes of Pneumatic Conveying, Dense Phase Conveying, Dilute Phase Conveying, Low Velocity Conveying, Medium Phase Conveying, Positive Pressure Conveying, Pneumatic Conveying Design Services, Pneumatic Conveying Troubleshooting, Wear & Abrasion Protection, Bulkmatology, DeDuster, Pellbow, FlowEnhancer
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