Re: Buckets For Conveying Soda Ash
Posted on
13. Oct. 2007 - 12:35
Can you accept iron (ferrous material from mild steel) in your material?
I can only recall S/S only used for Soda ash, though it may not have been required (used as it was available etc).
Are you prepared to consider alternatives to a bucket elevator? Pneumatic conveying or vertical screw conveyor may be options.
I am assuming a fine dust product here, which sometimes causes bucket elevators to bog.
By your question (hydroscopic) you are aware if you get it wet, things will not be any fun.
Lyle ■
Buckets for conveying Soda Ash
What is the best material of construction of buckets for bucket elevators conveying soada ash. Any one having experience in a glass plant? Soda Ash being hygroscopic & corrossive, are normal carbon steel bucktes suitable? ■