Pelletron introduces products for material handling and pneumatic conveying for all kinds of dry solid bulk materials. The new energy saving conveying process pellcon3®, consists of the 3 components STRANDPHASE®, Pellbow® und DeDuster®. Saving of energy and reduction of attrition were the thriving factors for this new development.
STRANDPHASE® is a pneumatic conveying method with reduced conveying velocity, reduced attrition and optimized energy consumption. Because of its unique design, the patented special pipe bend Pellbow® reduces the creation of dust. The Pellbow® is wear resistant and available in various sizes and construction materials. The Pellbow® can be adapted to any type of pipe connection. The cleaning air consumption of the new patented RC-DeDuster® model is 50% - to 60% less compared with other models. Another advantage is the low construction at increased discharge capacities. The RC-DeDuster® models can be used for the separation of dust and contaminants for any types of dry bulk solids. Another energy saving device is the new rotary valve series for medium and high conveying pressures. Low air leakage and the patented low-chopping device are the special features of this new rotary valve type.
Pelletron at POWTECH 2013
Pelletron Exhibits at POWTECH 2013
New energy saving conveying products - Made by Pelletron pelletron auf der powtech 2013
Hall A4, Booth 406
Pelletron introduces products for material handling and pneumatic conveying for all kinds of dry solid bulk materials. The new energy saving conveying process pellcon3®, consists of the 3 components STRANDPHASE®, Pellbow® und DeDuster®. Saving of energy and reduction of attrition were the thriving factors for this new development.
STRANDPHASE® is a pneumatic conveying method with reduced conveying velocity, reduced attrition and optimized energy consumption. Because of its unique design, the patented special pipe bend Pellbow® reduces the creation of dust. The Pellbow® is wear resistant and available in various sizes and construction materials. The Pellbow® can be adapted to any type of pipe connection. The cleaning air consumption of the new patented RC-DeDuster® model is 50% - to 60% less compared with other models. Another advantage is the low construction at increased discharge capacities. The RC-DeDuster® models can be used for the separation of dust and contaminants for any types of dry bulk solids. Another energy saving device is the new rotary valve series for medium and high conveying pressures. Low air leakage and the patented low-chopping device are the special features of this new rotary valve type.
(double click on picture)
pelcon3 system by Pelletron
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See these Videos:™Pelletrons Patented Pellbow™®Pelletron Corp DeDuster®
Technical Article:
Selecting Elbows for Pneumatic Conveying Systems
by Paul Wagner, Pelletron Corp., USA Selecting Elbows
bulk-online Leader, Mechanical Feeders, Rotary Valve Feeder, Pneumatic Conveyors, Equipment & Components, Airlocks & Valves, Airlocks, Diverter Valves, Dedusting, Diverters, Piping & Tubing, Bends & Elbows, Modes of Pneumatic Conveying, Dense Phase Conveying, Dilute Phase Conveying, Low Velocity Conveying, Medium Phase Conveying, Positive Pressure Conveying, Pneumatic Conveying Design Services, Pneumatic Conveying Troubleshooting, Wear & Abrasion Protection, Bulkmatology, DeDuster, Pellbow, FlowEnhancer
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