The 10th World Filtration Congress: Diarize it today
The world’s biggest international filtration und separation event
November 2007. The F&S community is looking forward with great anticipation to the 10th World Filtration Congress (WFC10), the world's biggest event in the field of filtration and separation. Over 2,500 visitors are expected at the Leipzig Congress Center from 14-18 April 2008. The WFC10 consists of a scientific congress with 360 expert presentations and a trade show with over 150 exhibitors from all over the world. Attendees at the WFC10 will be able to familiarize themselves with the latest, most innovative developments in all areas of the filtration and separation industry.
The WFC10 offers seven parallel sessions covering the complete range of filtration and separation. Experts from over 100 countries will deliver more than 360 presentations in the three focus areas of LIQUID, GAS, and MEMBRANE.
Their contributions will deal with advances in classical processes for separating particles from fluids, membrane processes and methods of gas cleaning.
In addition to equipment development and process optimization, significant time will also be dedicated to advances in experimental research, modeling of underlying physical processes, and quantitative descriptions of the various separation processes.
The trend towards improved management of the separation of nanoscale particle systems continues unabated. Numerous contributions deal with particle interactions resulting from boundary layer effects, which dominate in this area. Filter technology for such particle systems requires filter media specifically suited to this purpose. A number of presentations consequently focus on cutting-edge developments in the area of fleece materials based on nanofibres.
New measuring technology requires research into separation processes at the micro- and nanolevels in particular. The latest developments in magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRI), atomic force microscopy (AFM), small angle x-ray scattering WFC10 is hosted by supported by (SAXS) or flow porometry are at the focus of attention in a number of presentations, both with regard to measuring technology itself and to applications related to the
particle systems being investigated.
The Congress programme clearly highlights that mechanical separation technology has a vital role to play in addressing many global challenges. Such as: climate protection by cutting CO2 emissions via energy savings and energy efficiency increases; environmental protection and healthcare by safeguarding the purity of air, water and soil; generating drinking water through new and improved separation processes; personal mobility based on new fuels derived from renewable resources; and many others. In addition, a large number of presentations dealing with a wide variety of aspects related to water purification and the production of potable water.
Other presentations focus on the use of advanced mechanical separation technology for producing biofuels and bioethanol as a renewable source of energy.
“The WFC10 agenda exceeds our original expectations in regard to the number and diversity of presentations at the congress, as well as the number of companies taking part in the trade show,” according to Dr. Harald Anlauf, University of Karlsruhe and Congress Chairman of the WFC10. “It is a representative reflection of the global cutting edge in research and development in this broad field of specialization.”
The complete agenda for the Congress can be downloaded from the WFC10 website at
Expert knowledge at first hand: Short courses and plant tours
The first day of the WFC10 is reserved for SHORT COURSES, presented by leading experts from science, research, and industry. These six compact courses will be presented by eminent speakers and precede the main event. They provide a special opportunity to learn about fundamental technologies and their practical applications or to refresh existing knowledge in these areas. During the afternoon of the last day of the congress, participants are provided with the opportunity of joining PLANT TOURS.
These visits to internationally operating companies in the Leipzig area provide a suitable conclusion to the varied offerings at the congress. The Congress and the trade show will run concurrently from Tuesday to Friday.
Tomorrow’s innovations: The trade show
The international Congress is accompanied by an intensive, concentrated trade show with over 150 manufacturers and users of filtration and separation plants and components from nearly all industry sectors. Congress participants and trade show
attendees can find out about the latest developments in the field of mechanical methods for separating particulate solids from gases and fluids and discuss their questions with competent partners from all over the world.
Hosting the 10th World Filtration Congress provides Germany with an opportunity to present and enhance its important role in science and technology. After Paris, London, Wilmington, Ostend, Nice, Nagoya, Budapest, Brighton, and New Orleans, Leipzig will define a further milestone in the history of separation technology at the beginning of the 21st century.
World Filtration Congress
The 10th World Filtration Congress: Diarize it today
The world’s biggest international filtration und separation event
November 2007. The F&S community is looking forward with great anticipation to the 10th World Filtration Congress (WFC10), the world's biggest event in the field of filtration and separation. Over 2,500 visitors are expected at the Leipzig Congress Center from 14-18 April 2008. The WFC10 consists of a scientific congress with 360 expert presentations and a trade show with over 150 exhibitors from all over the world. Attendees at the WFC10 will be able to familiarize themselves with the latest, most innovative developments in all areas of the filtration and separation industry.
The WFC10 offers seven parallel sessions covering the complete range of filtration and separation. Experts from over 100 countries will deliver more than 360 presentations in the three focus areas of LIQUID, GAS, and MEMBRANE.
Their contributions will deal with advances in classical processes for separating particles from fluids, membrane processes and methods of gas cleaning.
In addition to equipment development and process optimization, significant time will also be dedicated to advances in experimental research, modeling of underlying physical processes, and quantitative descriptions of the various separation processes.
The trend towards improved management of the separation of nanoscale particle systems continues unabated. Numerous contributions deal with particle interactions resulting from boundary layer effects, which dominate in this area. Filter technology for such particle systems requires filter media specifically suited to this purpose. A number of presentations consequently focus on cutting-edge developments in the area of fleece materials based on nanofibres.
New measuring technology requires research into separation processes at the micro- and nanolevels in particular. The latest developments in magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRI), atomic force microscopy (AFM), small angle x-ray scattering WFC10 is hosted by supported by (SAXS) or flow porometry are at the focus of attention in a number of presentations, both with regard to measuring technology itself and to applications related to the
particle systems being investigated.
The Congress programme clearly highlights that mechanical separation technology has a vital role to play in addressing many global challenges. Such as: climate protection by cutting CO2 emissions via energy savings and energy efficiency increases; environmental protection and healthcare by safeguarding the purity of air, water and soil; generating drinking water through new and improved separation processes; personal mobility based on new fuels derived from renewable resources; and many others. In addition, a large number of presentations dealing with a wide variety of aspects related to water purification and the production of potable water.
Other presentations focus on the use of advanced mechanical separation technology for producing biofuels and bioethanol as a renewable source of energy.
“The WFC10 agenda exceeds our original expectations in regard to the number and diversity of presentations at the congress, as well as the number of companies taking part in the trade show,” according to Dr. Harald Anlauf, University of Karlsruhe and Congress Chairman of the WFC10. “It is a representative reflection of the global cutting edge in research and development in this broad field of specialization.”
The complete agenda for the Congress can be downloaded from the WFC10 website at
Expert knowledge at first hand: Short courses and plant tours
The first day of the WFC10 is reserved for SHORT COURSES, presented by leading experts from science, research, and industry. These six compact courses will be presented by eminent speakers and precede the main event. They provide a special opportunity to learn about fundamental technologies and their practical applications or to refresh existing knowledge in these areas. During the afternoon of the last day of the congress, participants are provided with the opportunity of joining PLANT TOURS.
These visits to internationally operating companies in the Leipzig area provide a suitable conclusion to the varied offerings at the congress. The Congress and the trade show will run concurrently from Tuesday to Friday.
Tomorrow’s innovations: The trade show
The international Congress is accompanied by an intensive, concentrated trade show with over 150 manufacturers and users of filtration and separation plants and components from nearly all industry sectors. Congress participants and trade show
attendees can find out about the latest developments in the field of mechanical methods for separating particulate solids from gases and fluids and discuss their questions with competent partners from all over the world.
Hosting the 10th World Filtration Congress provides Germany with an opportunity to present and enhance its important role in science and technology. After Paris, London, Wilmington, Ostend, Nice, Nagoya, Budapest, Brighton, and New Orleans, Leipzig will define a further milestone in the history of separation technology at the beginning of the 21st century.
Registrations are open online at:
Registrations received before 31 December 2007 benefit from a special early bird
For further press information on the 10th World Filtration Congress, please contact:
Conference Secretariat WFC10
Filtech Exhibitions Germany
Contact person: Suzanne Abetz
PO Box 12 25
D-40637 Meerbusch, Germany
Tel.: +49 2132 93 57 60
Fax: +49 2132 93 57 62
Internet: ■