Monitor Technologies LLC

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Posted in: , on 2. Mar. 2007 - 19:13

In 1958 Monitor Technologies LLC introduced the worlds first rotary paddle unit with automatic motor shut-off and significantly advanced the rotary paddle unit introduced a mere two years earlier by the so-called “genuine” supplier. More recently Monitor Technologies has led the way with innovations, new products and advancements including, but not limited to:

1. The use of Hall effect sensors to produce the world’s first reliable and truly fail-safe self-validating rotary paddle bin indicator, the SafePoint®,

2. The SiloPatrol® SE industry leading cable-based inventory sensor using patent-pending technology for granular plastics and powders,

3. The first local and remote PC-based inventory management system suitable for true local / remote inventory management applications, and

4. The leading continuous level measurement solution for powders such as cement and flyash, the Flexar™ guided wave radar level sensor.

With nearly fifty years of experience in level monitoring, measurement and inventory management of powders and bulk solids Monitor Technologies LLC is the leader in providing product solutions and customer service that are second-to-none.

Specially showcased at the Powder & Bulk Solids Southeast 2007 in Atlanta, GA on April 24-26 will be the company’s Flexar™ guided wave radar continuous level sensing system.

Featured Product/Solution

The Flexar™ radar level sensor is the toughest of all technologies for use in cement, flyash and other very dusty applications. Flexar guided wave radar level sensors use TDR (time domain reflectometry) technology to accurately and reliably measure the continuously changing level of dusty powders, even during filling. They are also used for measuring the level of liquids and many granular materials. The Flexar radar level sensor will be displayed in conjunction with companion SiloTrack™ inventory management solutions for local and remote inventory management.

Broad Product/Solution Display

Monitor Technologies LLC will also be exhibiting its SiloPatrol® SE inventory monitoring sensors. The SiloPatrol SE is a second edition of the leading inventory measurement solution for granular materials like plastics. This smart cable-based sensor design uses patent-pending technology to provide the most reliable weight & cable system available for granular material, powders and even many liquids.

The rotary paddle bin level indicator line on display from Monitor Technologies is truly the leader in the industry. The Model KA/KAX line was the first USA-based design to incorporate an enclosure with a twist-on/off cover and two conduit entrances, along with the industry-leading motor shut-off feature that significantly extends motor life.

Unlike other devices that promote fail-safe technology for power system failure only, the Monitor line of rotary bin level indicators includes the only truly fail-safe device, the SafePoint® fail-safe rotary paddle bin level indicator. The SafePoint is the only reliable fail-safe unit with truly fail-safe technology that continuously self-validates its operation. This cost-effective unit is the only unit users should use for critical point level detection applications.

Other product solutions on display include the TrueCap® RF capacitance point level sensor family, including the cost-effective Model MK2e and the industry-leading technology, the Model MK2. Both Models have superior design and manufacture compared to even the most recent new product introductions by other brands. The Model MK2 and 2e include the highest of sensitivity and calibration stability. With these RF capacitance point level sensors there is no need for recalibration due to component drift and temperature changes.

Monitor Technologies’ line of vibratory point level sensors, solids flow detectors, emission monitors and aerator bin discharge aids will also be on display.

For more information, please visit:


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