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Rail-Veyor now hauling all Deep 1 Production Material at Agnico Eagle's Goldex Mine

Edited by mhd on 23. Mar. 2018
Sudbury (ON), Canada

The Rail-Veyor system was installed to haul material at lower operational costs than other alternatives such as trucks or conveyors. As mine production has ramped up, a total of six Rail-Veyor trains are being used in a fully automated and synchronized operation."We're very pleased that we were able to successfully provide this safe, green, and efficient system for Agnico's Goldex Mine," says Frank Ward, V.P. Sales and Marketing for Rail-Veyor. "Now that this industry-leading technology is operational and hauling the Deep 1 production material, Agnico Eagle will continue to benefit with every load."

About Rail-Veyor®

Rail-Veyor Technologies Global Inc. (“RVTG”) provides bulk material handling solutions world-wide to the mining and aggregate industries.  RVTG’s environmentally friendly Rail-Veyor technology can cost effectively transport ore, coal, aggregate, waste materials, wood chips and other industrial bulk materials over long distances with complex routes, covering difficult surface topographies as well as underground in mining applications.

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