The new 8,000 square foot facility will enable us to better serve the planning needs of our clients as we continue to grow our team. As of September 2017, MoistTech Corp. has doubled its space and revenue in the last 3 years in which is contributed to their steady approach to customer service excellence, lasting long-term relationships with our clients and investing in our team’s success.Important Product LinksOn-Line Continuous NIR SensorsLaboratory At-Line Moisture SensorsAnimal Food Moisture ApplicationsChemical Moisture ApplicationsHuman Food Moisture ApplicationsMineral Moisture ApplicationsPaper Moisture ApplicationsRenewable Energy Moisture ApplicationsSnack Food Moisture ApplicationsTextile Moisture ApplicationsTobacco Moisture ApplicationsWood Moisture ApplicationsMoistTech rd=ssl has quickly become the leader in Moisture Measurement as well as monitoring Fat/Oil and Coating Moisture / Thickness for the converting and film applications. Supported by the original manufacturers of Near-Infrared (NIR) technology in the industrial moisture industry, MoistTech search?q=MoistTechmanufactures a range of on-line sensors and at-line instruments for moisture measurement and real-time moisture process control for numerous applications. Insensitive to material variations such as particle size, material height and color, our moisture sensors provide continuous, reliable readings with zero maintenance and a one-time calibration with a non-drift optical design allowing operational personnel to confidently make immediate process adjustments based on real-time measurements.