The publication can be found in the Powder Technology journals, Volume 344, 15 February 2019, Pages 628 – 635, and available for download from the DJS website here.
David J. Smith
David J Smith, director of DJS Process Consulting Ltd, is a Chartered Engineer and member of the Institute of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) as well as the European Federation of National Engineering Associations (FEANI). David J Smith is recognised as a well respected, knowledgeable and professional member of the Powder Processing community. With a focus on formulated products, the company’s mission is to help clients at all stages of the product development cycle, from upstream innovation to delivering an efficient and profitable manufacturing process.
International Innovation
David J Smith was also interviewed by a local Chinese TV company in China, regarding his working relationship with China, his success with international collaboration and the value that his business brings to start up manufacturing companies. DJS Process Consulting Ltd was also short listed in the 2018 IChemE Global Awards for Sustainability and Innovative Product. ■