Re: Separation
Good day,
We have experience and machines in operation but to give you more details we need:
Chemical reference of your product
Size repartition
output needed
your target
Regards // Lazzaroni ■
Air Classifiers
Nice to see a fellow Australian using this forum. Take a look at our website www.britishrema.com for an introduction to our company. We are manufacturers of Air Classifiers and Mills. We have extensive experience in Carbon milling and more specific for your application Carbon Classification. I will send you a questionaire asking for more information. If you wish to investigate the suitability of our systems we can undertake trials in our newly opened Technical Centre.
Malcolm Cunningham ■
Hello Malcom,
Probably a too late answer, but anyway... Our Company is spezialised in classifying ultra-fine powders. We have machines working up to 2um cut. If we can still help you please contact us.
Visit our site at www.ecutec.es and write us a mail if it interest you.
Have a nice day,
lex Farreras ■
Separation Of Powders
we can assist you with engineering and equipment.
Our engineering department, headed by former Hosokawa people, can complete a first study at Euro 1100
Also check out www.allsurplusworld.com/hosokawa
Hans Kwist - Director
Roselaarplein 36 - 4701BR Roosendaal
The Netherlands
Tel: 31 165 394969
Fax: 31 165 393522
Email: management@allsurplusworld.com ■
Re: Classifiers
I sugest you to visit SORTECH website www.sor-tech.com.
The TRIBOCLASSIFIER may be an interesting solution for
your aplication.
S.Bar ■
Classification And Separation
Dear Mr. Kucharzewski,
We produce a range machinery to separate particles in the sub micron range, and can also perform this as a toll processing service.
Have a look at
If you would like to have more specific information, please contact me
Marc Zwart
Noll processing technology
www.noll-processing-technology.com ■
Please send us your material for tests.
We think we could do that
The TriboClassifierTM developed and patented ( USA # 6,439,394 B1 and # 6,095,965 ) by “SorTech Separation Technologies LTD” uses a new technology for dry bulk powder process separation and classification.
TriboClassifierTM uses a rotating conical bowl and has a surface roughness and rotational speed calculated to best suit the particular classification requirement.
The TriboClassifierTM is fully enclosed with a small footprint, a very modest power requirement and can process powder at the rate of several kilograms to tons per hour.
SorTech has developed a novel classification process based on triboclassification. The Triboclassifier™ utilized the principal that, if a particle is moving over a surface whose roughness is comparable to the particle size, the apparent coefficient of friction depends on particle size.
The TriboClassifierTM is suitable now for bulk powder with mean particle sizes in the range of 1µm to 300µm.
The company’s experience, earned through extensive research and development on a variety of materials and with different separation objectives, shows that the Triboclassifer can provide solutions to many existing problems.
Adi Mogilevsky, Mr., MBA
Marketing Director
Sortech Separation Technologies Ltd..
5 Keryat Mada St.
Har Hotzvim Technology Park
Jerusalem, Israel 91450
Mobile: +972-67-805-649
Tel: +972-2-5870662
Fax: +972-2-5870642
We produce nickel sieve material down to 3 micon openings, to a +/- 2 micron tolerance.
Doug Ondrak
If you need any additional information please contact Julie at julie@precisioneforming.com ■
Supply Separator Machine
[QUOTE=Andrew Kucharze;2159]Hi everyone,
I looking for technology for separation of powders. Carbon particles mostly with size range from 15 micron and bellow.
Main aim is to separate some particles up to 2, 3 micron range.
It is possible?
Andrew Kucharzewski[/QUOTE
We are Chinese company, a professional manufacture of vibrating screen. It is a special-typed, high-precision filtration machine. We can provide you best quality productions with low price, and we also could make out the sactisfactory productions as your demand
My email address is ytjenny@ytgrp.com
Looking forward to your reply
Best regards! ■
Hi everyone,
I looking for technology for separation of powders. Carbon particles mostly with size range from 15 micron and bellow.
Main aim is to separate some particles up to 2, 3 micron range.
It is possible?
Andrew Kucharzewski ■