I want to get some educational info regarding Electrostatic precipitators.I am working in a coal based power plant and interested to know about Gas distribution screens.All i have seen is plates with perforated holes at the inlet funnel of ESP ducts and the basic thing i know about it is that its used for the uniform distribution of the gas(need some clarity on this topic) furthermore i heard that its used to reduce the velocity of the flue gas so that gas gets enough treatment time for collection between CE and DE.i want to know is that on which principle does the velocity gets reduced??is it due to the increased cross sectional area of the ducts (q=A.v) if i m interpreting it correct??i am unable to get a good theoretical concept on GD screens.
My second question is regarding ESP hoppers,is it always required to have a trapezoidal shape of ash hoppers??why do we usually have a trapezoidal or smwhat funnel shape hoppers??
Third questions is how many fields would i require to collect entire dust from the flue gas so that i wouldn't have to place fabric filters ahead of ESP??usually i see fabric filter differential pressure problems in my plant,we have a pulse jet system for bag cleaning and the solenoid valve diaphragms get stuck at times and even the bags have become too old(bag material PPS 584).what for PTFE coating is applied over the bags?
furthermore i would like to know about differential pressure calculations??how can we have a better control over dp to reduce fan loading and compressed air usage??
ESP Gas Distribution Screens
Hello experts,
I want to get some educational info regarding Electrostatic precipitators.I am working in a coal based power plant and interested to know about Gas distribution screens.All i have seen is plates with perforated holes at the inlet funnel of ESP ducts and the basic thing i know about it is that its used for the uniform distribution of the gas(need some clarity on this topic) furthermore i heard that its used to reduce the velocity of the flue gas so that gas gets enough treatment time for collection between CE and DE.i want to know is that on which principle does the velocity gets reduced??is it due to the increased cross sectional area of the ducts (q=A.v) if i m interpreting it correct??i am unable to get a good theoretical concept on GD screens.
My second question is regarding ESP hoppers,is it always required to have a trapezoidal shape of ash hoppers??why do we usually have a trapezoidal or smwhat funnel shape hoppers??
Third questions is how many fields would i require to collect entire dust from the flue gas so that i wouldn't have to place fabric filters ahead of ESP??usually i see fabric filter differential pressure problems in my plant,we have a pulse jet system for bag cleaning and the solenoid valve diaphragms get stuck at times and even the bags have become too old(bag material PPS 584).what for PTFE coating is applied over the bags?
furthermore i would like to know about differential pressure calculations??how can we have a better control over dp to reduce fan loading and compressed air usage??
thanx ■