Metso Minerals to supply a lime calcining plant to Graymont in USA
Metso Minerals will supply a lime calcining plant to Graymont for its Cricket Mountain lime plant in Utah, USA. The delivery will be completed by the end of this year. The value of the order is approximately EUR 8 million.
The order comprises a lime calcining plant with a Low Pressure Drop (LPD) preheater system as well as
erection and commissioning services. Metso’s solution will be the ? fth lime calcining line in the Cricket Mountain lime plant. When the delivery is complete, the production of high quality quicklime will increase from current annual production of approximately 900,000 tonnes to 1,300,000 tonnes. The new calciner is similar to the calcining system Metso supplied to Graymont in 2005.
The Cricket Mountain plant is one of the largest lime plants in the western USA. The plant manufactures a full range of bulk high calcium and dolomitic quicklime, and crushed and pulverized limestone products.
Graymont is the third largest producer of lime in USA. The company is focused on high calcium and
dolomitic lime, value added lime based products such as specialty hydrates and precipitated calcium
carbonates, and in the aggregate and pulverized stone business.
About Metso
Metso is a global engineering and technology corporation with 2006 net sales of approximately
EUR 5 billion. Its 25,500 employees in more than 50 countries serve customers in the pulp and paper
industry, rock and minerals processing, the energy industry and selected other industries.
Lime Calcining Plant
Metso Minerals to supply a lime calcining plant to Graymont in USA
Metso Minerals will supply a lime calcining plant to Graymont for its Cricket Mountain lime plant in Utah, USA. The delivery will be completed by the end of this year. The value of the order is approximately EUR 8 million.
The order comprises a lime calcining plant with a Low Pressure Drop (LPD) preheater system as well as
erection and commissioning services. Metso’s solution will be the ? fth lime calcining line in the Cricket Mountain lime plant. When the delivery is complete, the production of high quality quicklime will increase from current annual production of approximately 900,000 tonnes to 1,300,000 tonnes. The new calciner is similar to the calcining system Metso supplied to Graymont in 2005.
The Cricket Mountain plant is one of the largest lime plants in the western USA. The plant manufactures a full range of bulk high calcium and dolomitic quicklime, and crushed and pulverized limestone products.
Graymont is the third largest producer of lime in USA. The company is focused on high calcium and
dolomitic lime, value added lime based products such as specialty hydrates and precipitated calcium
carbonates, and in the aggregate and pulverized stone business.
About Metso
Metso is a global engineering and technology corporation with 2006 net sales of approximately
EUR 5 billion. Its 25,500 employees in more than 50 countries serve customers in the pulp and paper
industry, rock and minerals processing, the energy industry and selected other industries.
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