JACOB ROHRSYSTEME Presents Several Innovative Products at easyFairs® 2012
Hall 4, Stand C:27
JACOB ROHRSYSTEME will present several innovative products.
The patented, innovative JACOB earthing bridge makes it easy to achieve electrostatic equipotential bonding for retrofitting or extension maintenance. It is screwed onto the JACOB pull-ring and replaces the conventional earthing cable and the complex welding of earthing lugs. Now another model has been added to the range. The universal earthing bridge is the optimum alternative for powder-coated JACOB pipes.
The new JACOB hygiene distributor finds its customers wherever frequent cleaning needs necessitate easy disassembly and re-assembly of the inner workings of the distributor. This innovative development makes this work possible even while installed. It becomes extremely easy to safely remove and install the entire shaft and flap without any tools.
Quality solutions for highly abrasive bulk material and air extraction streams are also inherent parts of the product range.
JACOB PIPEWORK SYSTEMS is further extending its range of modular pipe systems for bulk good transportation, dedusting and air extraction. JACOB now has 15 different nominal widths in its standard range between 60 and 800 mm, surely giving it the widest selection in the sector within its catalogue range.
Precise serial quality and great ease of fitting without any welding ensure the JACOB pipe systems an exemplary status in all industrial sectors that use metal tracks as part of the production processes.
The principal customers are from the foodstuffs industry (for example coffee, cocoa, chocolate, sugar or grain processing), the tobacco industry, the chemical, pharmaceutical and plastic industries and also the recycling industry, car assembly, feedstuff production, the chip industry, engineering and the paper and building material sector.
JACOB ROHRSYSTEME at easyFairs 2012
JACOB ROHRSYSTEME Presents Several Innovative Products at easyFairs® 2012
Hall 4, Stand C:27
JACOB ROHRSYSTEME will present several innovative products.
The patented, innovative JACOB earthing bridge makes it easy to achieve electrostatic equipotential bonding for retrofitting or extension maintenance. It is screwed onto the JACOB pull-ring and replaces the conventional earthing cable and the complex welding of earthing lugs. Now another model has been added to the range. The universal earthing bridge is the optimum alternative for powder-coated JACOB pipes.
The new JACOB hygiene distributor finds its customers wherever frequent cleaning needs necessitate easy disassembly and re-assembly of the inner workings of the distributor. This innovative development makes this work possible even while installed. It becomes extremely easy to safely remove and install the entire shaft and flap without any tools.
Quality solutions for highly abrasive bulk material and air extraction streams are also inherent parts of the product range.
JACOB PIPEWORK SYSTEMS is further extending its range of modular pipe systems for bulk good transportation, dedusting and air extraction. JACOB now has 15 different nominal widths in its standard range between 60 and 800 mm, surely giving it the widest selection in the sector within its catalogue range.
Precise serial quality and great ease of fitting without any welding ensure the JACOB pipe systems an exemplary status in all industrial sectors that use metal tracks as part of the production processes.
The principal customers are from the foodstuffs industry (for example coffee, cocoa, chocolate, sugar or grain processing), the tobacco industry, the chemical, pharmaceutical and plastic industries and also the recycling industry, car assembly, feedstuff production, the chip industry, engineering and the paper and building material sector.
Modular piping system:
The JACOB pipe systems with their wide range of diameters from 60-800 mm
offers practical solutions for bulk good transportation, air extraction and dedusting
For mroe information, please visit:
https://edir.bulk-online.com/profile...cob-söhne.htm2125 fr jacob söhne.htm
GOOGLE Search:
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