This one-day conference, scheduled for December 8-9, 2002 at the Doubletree Hotel at Reid Park, Tucson, Arizona offers technical sessions on mining, hydrometallurgy, environmental, geology and mineral processing. NEW for this year is the Current Projects Session. Professionals from all areas of the minerals industry can benefit from attending this annual conference. Visit to view the current technical program, social events and register on-line. If you have already registered, please forward this message to a colleague. We look forward to seeing you in Tucson.
Please note: Hotel rooms at the low convention rate are only available until November15. Reservations can be made by downloading and faxing the housing form to the Doubletree Hotel Reservations Department or, register on-line from the Arizona Conference website. ■
The 2002 Arizona Conference
This one-day conference, scheduled for December 8-9, 2002 at the Doubletree Hotel at Reid Park, Tucson, Arizona offers technical sessions on mining, hydrometallurgy, environmental, geology and mineral processing. NEW for this year is the Current Projects Session. Professionals from all areas of the minerals industry can benefit from attending this annual conference. Visit to view the current technical program, social events and register on-line. If you have already registered, please forward this message to a colleague. We look forward to seeing you in Tucson.
Please note: Hotel rooms at the low convention rate are only available until November15. Reservations can be made by downloading and faxing the housing form to the Doubletree Hotel Reservations Department or, register on-line from the Arizona Conference website. ■