Dust Suppression Systems
We are producing dust suppression systems for quarries, cement factories, ready mix concrete plants, power stations, waste disposal plants and ship loading since 1994. We are specialized in water systems and it is totally chemical free.
We have installed around 300 systems in Turkey and 35 in 25 countries.
Our systems provide up to 95 % dust suppression. The system uses water and compressed air. The system does not wet the materials as it uses only 1-2 liters of water per one ton of material and no adherence occurs.
We would be very glad to discuss business opportunities with your company.
You can visit our web site for detailed information.
Erol Tuna
Export Manager
United Arab Emirates
etuna@enveks.com.tr ■
Dust Suppression
Dear Sir,
We have pleasure to inform you that we are manufacturing speciality chemicals for various industrial applications. We have Dust Suppression products range 'DUSTRON' for the DUST SUPPRESSION in mining operation for haulage road in open cast mines and for the bulk material handling systems.
We have a Memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Central Mining Research Institute (CMRI) Dhanbad, India which is a part of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research Govt. of India. CMRI is the world recognised Institute for the research in the field of mining operation.
The following products are approved and accepted by the Indian Mining Industries since last 10 years for better environmental and mining conditions.
1. DUSTRON PC Compound: For the open cast mines haul road where the dust emission is because of HEAVY EARTH MOVERS of high capacity trucks Dozzer, Tippler etc. DUSTRON PC is used for various class of mines in India for dust suppression in the mines as under.
(1) Iron Ore Mines
(2) Zinc Mines
(3) Lime Stone Mines
(4) Copper/Chromite Mines
2.DUSTRON PC COAL : For the open cast mines haul road of collieries, railway sidings and coal jetty's road of the ports.
3.DUSTRON PC LIGNITE : For the haulage roads of lignite open cast mines.
4.DUSTRON XT : This product is used for the dust suppression of bulk material handling system where at the transfer point crusher house, dumper platform dust emission is heavy, so along with water spray DUSTRON XT is used to control dust emission.
5.DUSTRON XT COAL : For bulk material handling system of conveyors, dumper platform, wagon tipplers of open cast/ under ground mines, Thermal power plants and coal jetty on the port trust.
All the above products are used in Indian mining industries to control dust for better environment & working conditions which produce no. of advantages.
We hope that you might be consuming some product for similar application. "Using DUSTRON RANGE OF PRODUCT SAVINGS IN WATER is 40%" with other benefits.
If you find any interest we shall send you the detail literature for your reference along with quotation.
We request you to send us your e-mail address to contact you on net.
E-mail: nrd@juno.com
We ensure you to provide you best services and technical back-up to your mines for dust suppression applications.
Awaiting for your valued inquiry.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
For N R D Industries
Re: Dust Suppression System
The dust suppression solution for this problem would be Dust Stop which is used successfully by some of the worlds largest companies in your industry. It is also certified as 100% environmentally friendly which is a very important point these days and will be regulated and in some jurisdictions it already is. The main thing is that it works with ease and will solve your problem. You may want to to see the informative web site at www.cypherltd.com under Dust Stop for more pertinent details but this is by far the most cost effective proven solution that you will find.
Norm ■
Spray Systems
No takers yet - try contacting Spray Systems, or nozzle Vendors. They offer a wide variety of products, and even give you guidance typical applications.
After that its pump calculations, and experience. ■
Dust suppression system
I am in the market for Dust suppression System for Iron ore. We are supplying Mobile crushing & screening plants for iron ore application upto capacity of 250 TPH. We as a part of OEM would like to introduce dust suppression system either in the form of DRY FOG or Water spray arrangement. Contact me for further details. ■