Hey Fey Rachel?
Are we buying or selling?
Why not call wood pellets....wood pellets?
Compacted material can be dug out without problem....such is ship unloading in any guise.
Degredation is largely time dependent.
There is a biomass handling guide which was referenced very recently in these very forums and it should be able, for the asking price, to advise you comprehensively on the issue of spontaneous combustion which might be your greatest risk. Also cross check with the nice insurance specialists in Liverpool...the town where I was born. ■
Re: Shipping Biomass In Very Large Bulk Carriers
Thank you for this. I'd be interested in seeing the bulk handling guide, if you can guide me to it!
We are also near to Liverpool, in Chester in fact. ■
Post/Thread Search...
...will give you the contact details (Woolfson Research something or other) just plonk in 'biomass guide' in the forum search pane. ■
Re: Shipping Biomass In Very Large Bulk Carriers
Thank you - I have contated the Wolfson Centre, who sent me the guide and I took the opportunity of registering for the FREE 'Power of 3' Renewables conference next month which has a stream covering anything you would want to know about biomass... ■
Shipping Biomass in Very Large Bulk Carriers
I am researching the technical feasiblilty of shipping biomass (wood pellets) in very large bulk carriers (120-180,000 dwt).
I would like to find out if wood pellet is technically unsuitable for shipping in such volumes because of handling difficulties, e.g. compaction, degradation or cargo loss through breakdown etc.
Any possible advice or information you can offer will be much appreciated.
Gail Bradford
MDS Transmodal Ltd.
U.K. ■