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White Paper

A New Dust-Free Spout for Barge Loading

Written by Froese, H.M. edited by mhd on 18. Oct. 2023
After a thorough discussion of the causes for dust emission and ways and means to reduce dust emission during he loading of barges, details on a new speed regulating device incorporated in the loading spout are given. In practical operations this new loading device showed excellent results.

The object of this report is:

  1. to trace the causes of dust emission when loading barges,
  2. to clarify the way in which this dust emission can be reduced, and
  3. to give the mathematical possibilities to assess the advantages of speed regulating devices at the end of the loading spout.

Calculations of speeds are based on a loading capacity of 1,000 m3/h, equal to 700 t/h in grains.

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