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Case Study

New Barge to Barge Terminal for Coal Transport

Written by Curth, F.O. & Hobson, H.H. edited by mhd on 6. Oct. 2023
A new barge-to-barge coal transfer terminal owned by International Marine Terminals (IMT) has just been placed in operation, meeting a need for additional capacity in transferring coal from inland river barges to large gulf barges suitable for movement across the Gulf of Mexico. Located on the west bank at Mile 57 near the mouth of the Mississippi River, the first phase of construction is now complete, and coal from the Illinois Basin is now moving through the Plaquemines Parish Terminal and across the Gulf to the Crystal River generating station of Florida Power Corporation on the west coast of Florida.

Alert to the need for expanded transfer facilities for domestic and overseas traffic, International Marine Terminals retained Dravo Corporation to proceed with feasibility studies and preliminary designs [1]. Several designs were developed to suit different potential coal handling opportunities. The design selected was one which provided in Phase I for transfer of coal required by Florida Power Corporation in converting two generating units from il to coal as well as provision for modest storage as an emergency buffer. Thus a river barge unloader, a fixed gulf barge loading boom, connecting conveyors and minimal land storage using mobile equipment were constructed initially (Fig.1).

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