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Baosteel orders four Semi-Portal Reclaimers from SCHADE Lagertechnik

Edited by mhd on 15. Mar. 2018
Gelsenkirchen, Germany

A year earlier, SCHADE Lagertechnik, a member of the AUMUND Group, secured an order to supply six Combined Portal type Stacker-Reclaimers to Baosteel Iron & Steel Company.The six Combined Portal type Stacker-Reclaimers with outer rail spans of 56 m are designed for a stacking capacity of 3600 tph and a reclaiming capacity of 1200 tph. This was the first time that SCHADE had received an order for combination machines of this type for the Chinese market, but it is now the third major order from the Shanghai Baosteel Group Corporation, which bodes well for SCHADE’s prospects in China.

SCHADE Semi-Portal Reclaimer in operation at Baosteel. (Photo: SCHADE Lagertechnik)

SCHADE’s first sales success with Baosteel dates back to 2015, when it supplied two of its Semi-Portal Reclaimers with rail spans of 31.5 m and reclaiming capacities of up to 1500 tph of iron ore.“SCHADE is securing an increasing market share and has built up a large portfolio of references in China, thanks to its particularly energy-saving special developed outboard roller scraper chain, and environmentally friendly technology features,” says SCHADE Sales Director Andreas Markiewicz. “Because of the compact and specialised design of the SCHADE machines compared with bucket wheel technology, stockpiles can be easily and cost- effectively located in enclosed halls.""SCHADE reclaimers are becoming the industry standard because they present solutions which are safer, more flexible and environmentally friendly. In addition they are fully automated and more cost-effective than silos or bucket wheel machines when the overall investment is considered,” continues Andreas Markiewicz. “Because environmental regulations are becoming more and more strict, with mandates for enclosure of stockpiles, our products are proving to be the optimal solution for the steel industry, as can be seen from our established references in Asia.”

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