Conveyor Structures
Try Structural Engineering
The work itself is fairly easy - some standard support frames, trestles, some bridges, transfer towers and concrete foundations. The trick is establishing a viable working relationship
1 - how secure is the money. Partnering sounds like carrying out the work at risk
2 - what are the issues of professional liability and litigation within the Chinese administration
3 - what are the issues of site support
4 - how would any disagreements be settled, and so on ■
Re: We Need Cooperation For A Project
Dear Gongan,
We do practice conveyor design in China. Please see our website for many systems in your catagory. If we can be of service on your 4 km horizontally curved conveyor project, please send details of your interest to the undersigned per the email details. ■
We need cooperation for a project
We are looking for a partner of design support. This is a project of 4km overland conveyor with horizontal curve. We are in China. For anyone interested, we would send relevant data for a proposal. ■