Training Courses for Belt Conveyors Design & Engineering

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 27. Aug. 2002 - 14:24

Dear Sirs,

I work in an Egyptian Engineering Company called "Enppi".

I am looking for Training Courses for Belt Conveyor Design and Engineering.

Karim Hammam

David Beckley
(not verified)

Re: Training Courses For Belt Conveyors Design & Engineering

Posted on 27. Aug. 2002 - 02:30


Conveyor Design Consultants of WA have been running training courses for engineers in belt conveyor engineering for the past three years. These courses have a strong practical bias based on my 40 years of experience in belt conveyor engineering. Each person attending the course receives a 300 page manual together with some basic software for performing various engineering tasks associated with conveyor design. I will repond directly to your email address giving full details and the cost of these courses.


David Beckley


Conveyor Design Consultants of WA

helenea - FLEXCO, USA
(not verified)

Re: Training Courses For Belt Conveyors Design & Engineering

Posted on 20. Sep. 2002 - 05:06

Dear Karim,

I worked with Enppi Engineers on site building the Port of Dekheila for MIDTAP a couple of years ago when I was working for Soros. We may have met, though I never made it to Enppi HQ in Cairo.....

Anyway another person I would recommend you contact for Belt Conveyor Design Courses is Mark Alspaugh of Overland Conveyor in the States. His email address is

I recently attended a 2 day course entitled "Belt Conveyor System Design Workshop" which was excellent.

Best Regards,

Helene Acock

Applications Eng. Manager

Parramatta Group

Belt Conveyors Design

Posted on 22. Sep. 2002 - 10:48

There is a book , that I believe can help you, is very good, the name is Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials, Fifth Edition. Published by the Engineering Conferencia of the Conveyor Equipment Manufactures Association.

Emma Forero SDF Ingenieria Ltda.

Re: Training Courses For Belt Conveyors Design & Engineering

Posted on 23. Sep. 2002 - 10:12

Karim Hammam

May I suggest that you start by visiting the web site which is a very comprehensive materials handling portal.

It contains a very comprehensive beginners guide through to a reasonably comprehensive technical section.

It also links to many papers and case studies including the Beltcon Conferences which have been running for the past 22 years.

It is the intension of the Ckit portal to launch a series of bulk materials handling courses from February 2003 concentrating on the site operator through to junior engineer level.

Hope this is of assistance


Phil Staples


Re: Training Courses For Belt Conveyors Design & Engineering

Posted on 17. Dec. 2002 - 07:05

Dear Mr. Karim,

I have authored and published a book 'Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors'.

It is formulated to suit new to the subject as well as experts and hence, it is likely to be of use to you.

You can see the book information on this website.


I G Mulani

Author - Book 'Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors'.

Email :

Belt Conveyor Training Courses

Posted on 18. Dec. 2002 - 01:43

Dear Karim:

I am an independent engineer of belt conveyor systems. I personally know the principals of all three training courses mentioned above, and have close personal friendships with two of them. I believe all three are knowledgable in the engineering of belt conveyors and have practiced their skills for many years.

I do not do training courses myself, but can claim 36 years of experience and 500 km of conveyor analysis. I have known the three course providers for: Mark Alspaugh since 1983, David Beckely and Phil Staples each since 1986. I am sure you can learn and appreciate the talents of all three.

I recommend Mr. Beckley as the best for your stated interest. I respect him as an excellent practical engineer. I worked along side of him on the Channar 20 km system in Australia (1987-1989). David has constructed a training course curriculum that has been on-going for more than six years ( could be 8 or more - I believe he will correct me ). The course has a syllabus of significant practical methodology, personally perfected by David. He has instructed hundreds of engineers with many dozens of training courses tailored to the practical design side of our business.

I recommend you obtain a quotation from each, ask to see each syllabus that demonstrates the content, how many courses each has taught, when the next course will be offered, and how many usually attend ( what kind of personal touch iyou are offered).

Glad to see you have the interest in this profession and hope you continue with success.

Lawrence Nordell

Conveyor Dynamics, Inc.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450