Re: Counter Weight Relation Between Ceramic Lagging And Convent…
There is no where near enough information to get you a reasonable answer. You need to be very careful when switching from rubber to ceramic lagging. You can easily destroy the belt if not calculated properly.
Here are a couple of excellent articles on the subject.
http://www.overlandconveyor.com/pdf/...dselection.pdf ■
Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Email: garyblenkhorn@gmail.com
Linkedin Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-blenkhorn-6286954b
Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.
Pouring Water On Troubled Oils
I once mentioned to a pulley salesman, in an exhibition, in Jakarta, in public, that his sample bonded ceramic cladding could only withstand what the rubber itself could withstand. Its a fact of shear stress level. He grudgingly and publicly agreed. Obviously I didn't get the free beer even though the audience didn't have a clue what we were really discussing. ■
John Gateleyjohngateley@hotmail.comwww.the-credible-bulk.com
Lessons Learned
Thank you Gary, for these excellent source papers.
R. ■
Re: Counter Weight Relation Between Ceramic Lagging And Convent…
Thanks a lot Mr.Gary. I will go through them.
Hope someone from ceramic lagging industry may accept or deny the statement of Mr.John.
Regards, ■
Re: Counter Weight Relation Between Ceramic Lagging And Convent…
Ceramic Lagging's friction co-efficient is higher than Rubber's. So this change will reduce your counter-weight requirement around 10 to 15%.
0.35 rubber surfaced belt driving rubber lagged pulley surface
0.50 for dimpled ceramic or equivalent hard material
Karthik ■
Re: Counter Weight Relation Between Ceramic Lagging And Convent…
0.35 rubber surfaced belt driving rubber lagged pulley surface
0.50 for dimpled ceramic or equivalent hard material
Your statement is only true if the CW was designed for slippage but if the CW was designed for sag than it would not be true. ■
Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Email: garyblenkhorn@gmail.com
Linkedin Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-blenkhorn-6286954b
Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.
Ceramic Vs Rubber
To Mr. Gately's point, ceramic tile lagging is usually only as good as the rubber in which it is seated. Lower tensile rubber compounds and questionable bonding values between the tiles and the base rubber will result in an inconsistent friction surface and could easily result in slippage (defeating much of the original purpose) and subsequent belt damage from the slippage and the potentially skewed tracking affect. To Mr. Blenkhorn's remarks,utilization of ceramic tile lagging can be detrimental to belt life if the take-up and drive arrangement are not carefully considered. One might consider ceramic tile lagging when the efficiency through the drives are lacking/ ■
Counter weight relation between ceramic lagging and conventional lagging
Dear experts,
In one of my conveyors, we have 20 tonnes of take-up. Presently it has conventional rubber lagged drive pulley.
If I replace the drive pulley lagging by ceramic lagging, what could be the desired value of counter weight ?
Requesting your valuable comments.
Thanks & regards to all,
S.Ganesh ■