Re: Analysis Of Transient Stress In Belt Conveyors
Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. (CDI) uses the 4th order Runga-Kutta forward predicting algorithm for solving the belt tension shock wave dynamic analysis ODE. We have also looked at Wilson Theta and others.
Hope this helps.
Lawrence Nordell
Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. ■
Re: Analysis Of Transient Stress In Belt Conveyors
If you have the development of this algorithm (4th order Runga-Kutta )in some format that he can send himself to a mail he would thank it to him.
my address is
Also to that refer the initials "ODE"? ■
Dynamic Analysis Method
The term ODE denotes Ordinary Differential Equation. I will post the Runga Kutta 4th order method under separate cover.
I am a bit concerned that the interested party would need this detail. This is classical mechanics taught in ordinary differential equation (ODE) courses when the solutions are non-linear and require special numerical integration techniques.
Exact treatment of the rheology is company proprietary. The structure and important model factors have been published back by me in BSH in 1984.
Lawrence Nordell
Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. ■
Re: Analysis Of Transient Stress In Belt Conveyors
What happens is that these paper is not available directly in the BSH, reason why I have not been able to them to see. Now if you, he has those articles and it facilitates them to me serious valuable for my.
Thank you for their answers ■
Transient Belt Stresses
Here is the exact bibliographic reference of Nordell's paper:
Name of Author: Ciozda, Z.P., Nordell, L.K.
Company Affiliation: Conveyor Dynamics
Title of Article: Transient Belt Stresses During Starting and Stopping: Elastic Response Simulated by Finite Element Methods
Published in Journal: bulk solids handling
Year: 1984 Volume: 4 Number: 1 Page: 93
Type of Article: Original Article
Fields of Interest: Belt Conveying
Article published in 'The Best of ...' book: I/86 (Conveyor Belt Technology)
as taken from the eLibrary at
You can order this and other articles from Trans Tech Publications at
Reinhard Wohlbier ■
Re: Analysis Of Transient Stress In Belt Conveyors
Here is a rendition of the Runga-Kutta method with more refernce to an advanced treatment.
Lawrence Nordell
Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. ■
Re: Analysis Of Transient Stress In Belt Conveyors
Here I show him a detail of the equations that I am using to solve the problem of movement equation without reduction.
A similar method to implement the solution of the equation with reduction is what I am trying to find.
I attach file with details of the method.
the problem to solve is the following (ZIP)
Analysis of Transient Stress in Belt Conveyors
I need information it has more than enough numeric methods of integration (especially NEWMARK) it pairs to implement a numeric model that evaluated the dynamic tensions in the belts during the departures and detentions of the transporter.
This model considers the characteristics of reduction of the belt.
The steps of the integration for the movement equation that considers the reduction are what I need.
thank you ■