Screw Conveyor
Posted on
12. Sep. 2005 - 01:24
The size and length of the machine are not indicated but, fFor straightforward duties, the CEMA book on screw conveyors will give basic calculations. ■
Screw Conveyor
Posted on
28. Sep. 2005 - 03:42
You have not given the Angle if any of the conveyor.
Is it on an incline or horizontal? This is very important.
Dwight ■
Duda sobre un diseño
I do not speak ingles I am trying to translate
Hello I am going to make screw conveyor with the following data
capacity 180 tons/hr
density 1.0 kg/m3
volumetrica capacity 200 m3hr
%filling 30%
speed of operation 58 rpm
material = plaster (yeso)
the consumed power =34.2 hp
talks about to the engine power the motor for this maquina must have 34.2 ?
(creo que no esta bien la traduccion la pregunta, la pongo en espaol
por si la pueden tradicir correctamente.)
mi pregunta es, ¿la potencia consumida se refiere a la potencia en hp que debe tener el motor de esta maquina?
espero ayuda gracias.
salvador ■