Re: Milling And Classifying

Posted on 20. Sep. 2007 - 04:39

Dear Sir,


ou should measure the aerodynamic size distribution and all the characteristics of your particles,such as specific gravity, bulk density.In addition, is the material corrosive?abrasive?sticky?explosive?toxic?

Re: Milling And Classifying

Posted on 20. Sep. 2007 - 04:23

There are several parameters that need to be determined before proceeding.

Testing is recommeded to give data on the crushing performance as well as expected operating costs.

Suggest contacting Stedman to discuss the application.

(not verified)

Milling And Classifying

Posted on 20. Sep. 2007 - 06:35

Pelletron has a DeDusting machine to separate dust and fine particles. This has been done successfully with iron ore. Test report available on request.


Heinz Schneider


Pelletron Corporation

Re: Milling And Classifying

Posted on 20. Sep. 2007 - 09:27

Feed PSD, product fineness specs, processing rates, bulk density, hardness, moisture, etc. are all factors that will need to be considered. As for classifying the material, for the coarser cuts (above ~100 mesh) screening may be the solution. For finer cuts, air classification is likely the way to go. As for milling, there are many, many possibilities. Suggest you contact Sweco. PM me if you wish.

(not verified)

Sizing / Milling

Posted on 21. Sep. 2007 - 04:21


I have attached our "Application Questionnaire" for size reduction and milling. Please fill out thuroughly and e-mail it back to us. I n the mean time you can also refer back to our website for initial information.

Re: Milling And Classifying

Posted on 21. Sep. 2007 - 05:09


We would need information regarding fineness and rate. I have attached our pulverizing datasheet for your convenience.

If you have further questions please contact Dennis Poirier at

raymond pulverizing questionnaire


Thank you

Carol Froeming

Alstom Power

Air Preheater Company, Raymond Operations

raymond pulverizing questionnaire

href="" target="blank">


raymond pulverizing questionnaire (PDF)

Air Classifiers By Sturtevant

Posted on 24. Sep. 2007 - 04:42

Assuming that Magnetite, Manganese and Zinc ores are too abrasive for mechanical mills, we recommend that you consider a ball mill in closed-circuit with a mechanical air classifier. This equipment will easily make a 400 mesh product with low maintenance. Please email us your feed size and capacity needs for a quotation.

Re: Milling And Classifying

Posted on 24. Sep. 2007 - 05:20

To gain further information on the milling of ore I would suggest bulk density of material, and tons per hour you wish to mill. Please visit for information on vibratory ball mills. We would be more than happy to test your material if you wish.

Best Regards,


Re: Milling And Classifying

Posted on 25. Sep. 2007 - 11:24

Please check , we have experience in this task.

Luis Fernando Diego Export Manager ANIVI INGENIERIA Ball mills, classifyers, dryers, rotary kilns, fans, filters.....