You have to tell us more about your application
and you have to understand that unless you are willing to give us this information we probably wont help with your problem. If you are just looking for information on springs and types it is available at any library. ■
Selection Of Coil Spring
Hello Sir,
I used the spring for the vibrating screen,
Size of screen-2.4MX4.8M
Mass of screen-6 Ton
for above screen I select the helical coil spring
Wire dia-26mm, Nos of coils-8.9 and free length-350
Nos of springs-8nos
pl suggest the my selection is correct or not ■
Re: Selection Of Coil Spring
(1) What is the spring outside diameter?
(2) Are the 8.9 coils the total number of coils - or the number of active coils?
(3) What speed is your screen operating at? ■
Re: Selection Of Coil Spring
Dear ,
Mr.John Mckenzie,
Thank for the reply,
I mention below the deatails of spring
Total No of coil-8.938
No of active coil-7.43
Outer Dia of coil -242( Privously i mention this is the inner dia but 242 is the outer dia of spring)
Screen RPM-850
Total No. of spring-o8 Nos ■
Re: Selection Of Coil Spring
I have done a very quick review of your spring selection, which I understand to be:
26mm wire dia
242mm outside spring dia
350mm free spring height
7.43 number of active coils
8.94 total number of coils
Total screen mass = 6,000 kg supported on 8 springs
Vibrating frequency = 850 rpm
By calculation I figure the solid height of the spring would be 232mm, and the spring rate would be approx 6.22 kg/mm.
Assuming that the screen mass (6,000 kg) is equally distributed between the 8 support springs, then each spring will carry 750 kg.
Therefore under the static load of the screen, each spring will compress (750kg / 6.22 kg/mm) = 121 mm, and the compressed height of the spring would be (350mm – 121mm) = 229 mm.
Compare this compressed height (229mm) with the solid spring height at 232mm,and you can see that you have compressed the spring solid just by resting the screen on it !!!
I would be selecting a spring with about 65mm compression under static load, and at least 30mm difference between compressed height and solid height to accommodate the increase bounce at stop/start, and also any heavy material loadings, surges, or material build up around the coils.
As to your original question regarding temperature limitations. Talk to your spring supplier, but I would think that spring steel should be OK up to about 220 degrees centigrade. ■
Re: Selection Of Coil Spring
Dear Sir,
Thank for the reply,
but same coil can be used by reduced the spring rate 4.0 kg/mm ■
Re: Selection Of Coil Spring
From my understanding of your problem you need to increase the spring rate (make the spring stiffer), not decrease. ■
Spring Selection
As per VSMA the screen frequency range can be applied for the horizontal screen. ■
Re: Selection Of Coil Spring
Some spring steels have better temperature ratings than others. What sort of temperature range do you want to operate at? ■
Re: Selection Of Coil Spring
I don't understand how you can reduce the rate of a given spring from 6 to 4. Unless....Anyway; there is no need to account for fatigue in a spring that is bottomed out all the time: which rather makes the issue of the tempering temperatures irrelevant for the time being. Which is how you might reduce the spring rate...if that was the drift of the question. ■
John Gateleyjohngateley@hotmail.comwww.the-credible-bulk.com
Selection Of Coil Spring
Hello sir,
I given the revised data circular motion inclined screen
NO OF COIL7.5 nos
SPRING RATE14.77 kg/mm
Now i am work on the linear motion low head screen
I given below design details of spring for our linear motion low head vibrating screens and Suggest me regarding given spring design data is suitable for respected screens or not.
A)Item: - S.D.Low Head Vibrating Screen.
Size: - 1200x3600 mm
RPM (Frequency)-960
App. Weight of screen -3000 Kg
Total Nos. of spring -08 Nos. for one Vibrating Screen.
Wire Dia-22mm
Inner Dia-150 mm
No of Coil-8.5
Free Length- 300 mm
60 mm deflection on 3000 Kg
Max. Defl- 113 mm
Spring Rate-6.7 Kg/mm
B)Item: - High Frequency Screen
Size: - 1800x3000 mm
RPM (Frequency)-1500
App. Weight of screen -3200 Kg
Total Nos. of springs -08 Nos.
Wire Dia-25mm
Inner Dia-160 mm
No of Coil-7.75
Free Length- 300 mm
40 mm deflection on 3200 Kg
Max. Defl- 106 mm
Spring Rate-10 Kg/mm
C)Item: - D.D.Horizontal Vib. Screen
Size: - 1500x4200 mm
RPM (Frequency)-950
App. Weight of screen -5500 Kg
Total Nos. of springs -08 Nos.
Wire Dia-28mm
Inner Dia-175 mm
No of Coil-8
Free Length- 340 mm
60 mm deflection on 5500 Kg
Max. Defl- 116 mm
Spring Rate-10 Kg/mm ■
Re: Selection Of Coil Spring
By my quick check all the springs should work fine (at better than 98% isolation you have done well).
My only comment is that I have assumed that the screen weight is distributed evenly between all 8 springs. On circular motion screens this is generally a reasonable assumption, but on low angle linear motion screens the load is usually much greater on the discharge end mounts. To determine this you need calculate reactions at the mounting points. ■
Re: Selection Of Coil Spring
Dear Sir,
Thank for your valuable suggestion. Now i determined the reation on mounting point. ■
Re: Selection Of Coil Spring
Dear sir,
Now i am work on the linear motion low head screen
I given below design details of spring for our linear motion low head vibrating screens(3.1x6.1m) and Suggest me regarding given spring design data is suitable or not.
Item: - S.D.Low Head Vibrating Screen.
Size: - 3100x6100 mm
RPM (Frequency)-1000
App. Weight of screen -9000 Kg
Total Nos. of spring -12 Nos. for one Vibrating Screen.
Wire Dia-25mm
Inner Dia-157 mm
No of Coil-7.7
Free Length- 335 mm
60 mm deflection on 9000 Kg
Max. Defl- 142.5 mm
Spring Rate-10.65 Kg/mm ■
Selection of coil spring
Please suggest that is there any temperatures factor consider while selecting the spring for vibrating screen. ■